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词汇 plates
例句 The plates are painted by our finest craftsmen.这些盘子是由我们最优秀的工匠手工绘制的。One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.能清楚地看到一名警察记下了经过车辆的车牌号。There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates.酒吧女服务员放下两只盘子时稍微停顿了一下。We bought plastic cups and paper plates for the picnic.我们为野餐买了塑料杯子和纸盘。She began stacking plates on the trolley.她开始把盘子摞在手推餐车里。Arlott squirrelled away books, pictures and porcelain plates.阿洛特将书本、图片和瓷盘瓷碟都藏起来。A stack of plates swayed, and began to topple over.一大摞盘子摇摇晃晃,然后开始倒下来。Ma stacked the cups and piled the plates.妈妈把杯盘堆叠起来。The table was set with plates, knives, forks and glasses.桌子上摆好了盘子、刀叉和杯子。I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates, too.我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。The dirty plates were sent down to the kitchen.脏盘子送到厨房里去了。Two plates which enclosed a vacuum could not be pulled apart.两只合拢的盘子如果中间是真空,那就扳不开。His red swollen hands slopped oatmeal into our plates.他那红肿的手笨拙地把燕麦粥舀到我们的盘子里。He broke two plates before I could stop him.我还没来得及阻止他,他已经打碎了两个盘子。The maid was carpeted for breaking the plates.女佣因打碎盆子而受训斥。Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce.把意大利面的水分完全沥干,然后盛在四个盘子里浇上酱。The sink was full of dirty plates.洗涤槽里放满了脏盘子。Decoration is applied to the plates before the final firing.盘子在最后一次烧制前绘上装饰图案。These plates are fairly rigid.这些盘子非常坚硬。I have watched the potters mold, fire and paint their bowls, plates and vases with sacred designs.我见过制陶工人捏塑、烧制碗碟花瓶,并在上面涂绘各种宗教图案。The bar counter groans under the weight of huge plates of the freshest fish.吧台上摆满了大碟大碟非常新鲜的鱼。She whisked the dirty plates off the table.她飞快把脏盘子撤下了桌子。About a dozen large rigid plates make up the Earth's crust.大约有十二块巨大坚硬的板块构成了地壳。He served it up on delicate white plates.他把它放在精美的白色碟子里端上了桌。She piled food onto our plates.她在我们的盘子里放了很多食物。The car has square plates on it.这辆车上有合法牌照。There were dirty plates and glasses strewn about the room.房间里到处散落着脏兮兮的盘子和杯子。I thought we had enough plates for the party, but perhaps I miscounted.我以为我们聚会上有足够的盘子用,但也许我数错了。The whole stack fell over, and half the plates got broken.整叠盘子都倒在地上,有一半被打碎了。One of the plates on the side of the machine had come loose.机器一边的一个金属片松了。The book has several pictured plates.这本书有好几页插图。The sound of knives and forks scraping against plates filled the canteen.食堂里满是刀、叉在盘子上刮擦的声音。She scraped plates into the bin.她把盘子里的东西抹进垃圾箱。These plates are easily damaged, so please be careful with them.这些盘子很容易弄碎,请小心轻放。Pour a pool of sauce on two plates and arrange the meat neatly.在两个盘子里倒少许沙司酱,然后把肉摆放整齐。He relieved her of the plates she was holding.他把她手中的盘子接手拿了过去。Dirty plates were piled high in the sink.脏盘子在洗涤槽里堆得很高。The shoes had metal plates attached to the heels.那双鞋后跟钉有金属片。The ship was made of steel plates.这船是用钢板造的。Pack the plates edgeways with plenty of paper between them.把这些盘子侧着包装好,盘子之间垫足够的纸。




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