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词汇 applied
例句 I applied but they rejected me.我申请了,但他们没录用我。In my early twenties, I applied for my first job as a teacher.我二十出头的时候,应聘第一份工作,就是当老师。He applied two coats of paint to the table.他给那张桌子上了两道漆。The dealers applied for an export licence.经销商申请了出口许可证。I applied for a job at that law firm because I have a contact there.我向那家法律事务所申请了一份工作,因为我在那儿有个熟人。He applied for the job.他申请取得这份工作。I've applied for a new job with the local newspaper.我已经申请了地方报纸的一个职位。I washed my face and applied fresh makeup.我洗了脸并重新化了妆。The wax should be applied using a circular motion.应该以绕圈的方式打蜡。The findings for one group can be applied to the others.一个群体的研究成果可用于其他群体。As a struggling young composer, she applied to the California Arts Council for grant money.作为一个为生计挣扎的年轻作曲家,她向加利福尼亚艺术委员会申请补助金。The restaurant's owner applied for a license to sell liquor.餐厅的老板申请了酒水经营许可证。She applied her eye to a clearer portion of a windowpane.她把一只眼睛紧贴在窗玻璃上较为明净的部位。We have applied consistent standards in the dispensation of justice.在执法过程中,我们采用了始终如一的标准。Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production methods.科学新发现常应用于工业生产方法。Then I applied a wax polish before finally burnishing all surfaces with a soft cloth.然后我打了光蜡,最后用软布擦亮所有表面。She applied for the job of nanny to the Rickman family.她申请担任里克曼一家的保姆一职。I applied for the job on the off chance that they might like me, but I didn't seriously expect to get it.我怀着一线希望申请了这份工作,不过我没真的指望能得到它。Marion applied for a job teaching in Minneapolis, but she was turned down.玛丽昂申请一个在明尼阿波利斯教书的工作,可是遭到了拒绝。We applied to them for help.我们向他们求援。He applied for the job of Eliot's personal secretary, which had just fallen vacant.他应聘艾略特的私人秘书,这一职位刚刚才空缺出来。She applied for a bank loan because she did not want to depend on her father for handouts.她申请银行贷款是因为她不想依赖于父亲的施舍。The catcher applied/made the tag for the last out of the game.接球手用触杀使最后一人出局。Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body.指压按摩是指用手按压人体某个轻微凹陷的穴位。The new rule will be applied retrospectively.新的规定将具有追溯效力。This rule can not be applied to every case.这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。The nurse cleaned the cut and applied a dressing.护士清理了伤口并敷上了药。Make sure the surface is clean and smooth before the finish is applied.在做最后一道工序前要确保表面光洁。He applied for deferral.他申请了延期。He applied for financial support from the state.他向州政府申请经济援助。They are taking their skills where they can be applied most fruitfully.他们正把技术应用到最能发挥成效之处。He applied whatever strength he had left to the task.他把剩下的力气全部用到这项任务上了。She applied her makeup lightly/heavily.她化了淡妆/浓妆。He applied pressure to stop the bleeding.他用按压的办法止血。He claims he was racially discriminated against when he applied for the job.他声称申请这个职位时遭受了种族歧视。Decoration is applied to the plates before the final firing.盘子在最后一次烧制前绘上装饰图案。She applied for financial/student aid in order to go to college.她申请了助学金上大学。The law has not been applied fairly. 这部法律没有被公平运用。He applied a portion of his salary to savings.他把工资一部分拨作储蓄之用。I applied for the position after reading the job description.看了这个工作的描述后,我就申请了这一职位。




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