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词汇 hastened
例句 He was quick to add that he didn't go with them. = He hastened to add that he didn't go with them.他马上补充说自己并没有和他们一起去。These recent poor results have hastened the manager's departure.近期糟糕的业绩加速了经理的离职。This hastened the splitting of the party into quarrelling factions.这加速了该党的分裂,形成了相互争吵的不同派系。He hastened to assure us that the press would not be informed.他急忙向我们保证不会把此事告知新闻界。She more than anyone had hastened to sign the contract.她比谁都急着去签了合同。One of them, the first to alight, hastened with quicksilver steps towards me.他们中第一个下来的人急急忙忙地快步向我走来。I hastened to assure her that there was no danger.我赶紧向她保证不会有什么危险。She hastened back to the house.她急忙返回那座房子。Their departure was hastened by an abnormally cold winter.那个冬天异常寒冷,所以他们提前走了。Warm weather and showers hastened the growth of the plants.温暖的天气和阵雨加速了植物的生长。When she heard the baby crying, she hastened up the stairs.她一听见婴儿的哭声就赶紧上了楼。The healing process was hastened by the new drugs.新药加速了康复。Her disagreement with the MD probably hastened her departure.她与总经理的意见不和很可能加速了她的离职。His death was hastened by alcohol abuse.酗酒加速了他的死亡。He took her on a tour of Europe, but the travel only hastened her consumptive decline and death.他带着她周游欧洲,但是旅行只是加重了她的肺病,加速了她的死亡。Just when she was ready to dip into her savings, Greg hastened to her rescue.正当她准备动用自己的存款时,格雷格赶来给她救了急。The president hastened to reassure his people that he was in perfect health.总统立即解释说他的身体状况非常好,让他的国民放心。He took her on tour of Europe, but the travel only hastened her consumptive decline and death.他带她周游欧洲,但这趟旅行只是使她的结核病恶化更快,加速了她的死亡。There is no question that Napoleon's doctors hastened his death.毫无疑问,拿破仑的医生加速了他的死亡。They bowed low to Louis and hastened out of his way.他们向路易斯深深鞠躬,并忙不迭地给他让道。She saw his quick frown and hastened to explain.她看到他立即皱起眉头,就连忙解释起来。He hastened to assure me that there was nothing traumatic to report.他急忙向我保证,说没有发生什么可怕的事情。There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.毫无疑问,糟糕的治疗加速了她的死亡。They hastened to Kobe to rejoin the ship.他们赶到神户,返回船上。Scientists have hastened to challenge his findings.科学家们马上对他的发现提出了质疑。I hastened home to tell my family the good news.我赶紧回家告诉家人这一好消息。The company announced that the initial tests look promising, but they hastened to add that there is still much more testing to be done.公司宣布说初期测试预示前途光明,但马上又补充说还需要做更多的测试。




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