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I could hear his voice through the crashing of the bombs.尽管炸弹四下爆炸,我仍能听到他的声音。His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria.他的声音近乎歇斯底里。There was still the catch of a dying sob in her voice.她说话时声音里还带有一点儿轻微的抽噎。 The voice firmed with decision.声音变得果断坚定。The baby is sleeping, so try not to raise your voice.婴儿在睡觉,所以尽量别大声说话。His voice betrayed his disappointment.他的话音里流露出失望之情。Hooper lowered his voice to a whisper.胡珀把声音压低到耳语。My father had a fine bass voice.我父亲唱男低音很棒。His voice filled with fatherly concern.他的声音充满了慈父般的关切。When he spoke his voice was thick with bitterness.他说话时,声音低沉,充满痛苦。There was a slight tremble in her voice as she recalled her husband.她回忆丈夫时声音微微发颤。Her voice shook as she talked about the person who attacked her.她谈起攻击她的人时声音直打颤。Her voice soared out above the rest of them.她的嗓音盖过了所有其他人的嗓音。We could hear Tom's voice plainly over the noise of the crowd.在人群的喧闹声中,我们可以清楚地听到汤姆的声音。Her voice tailed away into silence.她的话音越来越小,终于哑然无声了。In spite of her light tone there was suddenly a catch in her voice.尽管她语调轻柔,她说话时声音还是突然哽咽了一下。More than a hint of disapproval was in the boy's voice.男孩的声音中透露出一丝不满。She spoke in a reverent voice.她用恭敬的口气讲话。His voice lowers confidentially.他神秘地压低了嗓音。I have a thick voice because of a cold.我由于伤风而嗓音嘶哑。She spoke in an affected voice.她拿腔拿调地说话。He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带著威胁。His voice boomed down the hall.他深沉洪亮的声音响彻大厅。If the vehicle is going too fast, a synthesized voice tells the driver to slow down.如果车速过快,合成声音会告诉驾驶员减速。He had a high and somewhat effeminate voice.他的嗓音高并带点娘娘腔。What's the name of that guy on TV - you know, the one with the silly voice?电视里那个人叫什么——你知道的,那个说话声音很怪的人?I never heard my father raise his voice in his life.父亲这一生我从没听过他提高嗓门说话。She called out to me in a loud voice.她大声地叫我。The agony of a disappointed father rang in his voice.他的话音里一再传出一位灰了心的父亲的痛苦呻吟。Her tone of voice gave no indication of how she interpreted the poem.从她的语调听不出她是如何理解这首诗的。His voice had a rich timbre.他的嗓音音色很丰富。She has a wonderful singing voice.她有一副美妙的歌喉。Her voice was brisk and professional.她说话干脆利落,很专业。Her voice shook with rage.她的声音由于愤怒而颤抖。People are put off by his strident voice.人们对他刺耳的嗓音感到很厌恶。His voice was charged with emotion.他的声音中饱含深情。He's got that lovely Irish lilt in his voice.他的嗓音很动听,具有爱尔兰人特有的那种抑扬顿挫。There is an extra, ineffable quality to his voice that makes it awfully easy on the ear.他的声音别有一种难以形容的特质,极其悦耳动听。His voice changed and became positively angry.他的声音变了,的的确确发怒了。I played along, and disguised my voice.我将错就错,换了一副嗓子说话。 |