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词汇 hang in
例句 Then string the onions and hang in a cool, airy shed.然后用细绳把洋葱串起来,挂在凉爽通风的棚子里。People's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air.人们吸烟的烟雾似乎会长时间滞留在空气中。This painting is only a copy - the original hangs in the Louvre.这幅画只是摹本——原画挂在卢浮宫里。The smell of death hangs in the air.死亡的气息萦绕在空中。I was able to hang in and stay in the championship.我坚持下来,保住了冠军。He was found hanged in his police cell.人们发现他吊死在警察局拘留室。She says she'll hang in until she makes the business work.她说她会坚持到生意正常运行为止。A giant photograph of the actor hangs in the foyer of the theatre.那位演员的巨幅照片挂在剧场的休息室里。I let my words hang in the air. Maggie was no fool: she must realize I meant it.我没有把话说完。玛吉不是傻瓜,她一定意识到了我是故意的。A picture of Rory O'Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan.一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。The survival of the African elephant hangs in the balance.非洲象能否生存下去难以预料。The fate of the project hangs in the balance.此项目的命运仍未可知。Meanwhile, the fate of the refugees continues to hang in the balance.与此同时,难民的命运仍然悬而未决。She did her best to hang in against some of the more experienced swimmers.她尽了最大努力坚持与一些经验更丰富的游泳运动员比拼。The fate of a project which could revolutionise the use of computers in hospitals hangs in the balance.可能给医院的计算机使用带来革命的项目仍然前途未明。Be prepared for a rough time. And hang in there.准备吃苦,坚持下去。The future of the company hangs in the balance.该公司的前景无法预料。The house belonged to the Duke of Wellington, and his picture hangs in the hall.这宅子属于威灵顿公爵,他的画像悬挂在大厅里。Our future hangs in the balance as we await their decision. 我们的未来尚不可知,取决于他们的决定。His most famous paintings hang in the Louvre.他最著名的画作在卢浮宫展出。Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and it'll be OK.到了学期中间功课会变得很难,但坚持下去就会好的。




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