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词汇 hands on
例句 All hands on deck!全体船员在甲板集合!Just you wait, Maria, till I get my hands on you!等着瞧,玛丽亚,我会抓住你的!I desperately need to lay my hands on some money by Monday.星期一之前我急需弄到一笔钱。She stood in the doorway, hands on hips.她双手叉腰站在门口。They came out of the woods with their hands on top of their heads.他们将双手放在头上从树林中走了出来。You're all just waiting till I pop off so you can get your hands on my money.你们都在等我死,好来分我的钱。Joanne stood with her hands on the sink, staring out the window.乔安妮站着,两手放在水槽上,眼睛定定地望着窗外。Place your hands on the small of your back and breathe in.双手置于腰部,吸气。Dry your hands on this towel.用这块毛巾把手擦干。He thinks he's won, but if I get my hands on him, I'll wipe that smile off his face!他觉着自己获胜了,但如果我来对付他的话,他就不会这么得意了!Two guards stood poised with their hands on their guns.两名守卫手持枪支,严阵以待。She folded her delicate hands on the table.她纤纤十指交叉着放在桌上。Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.双手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圆圈运动。Wait until I get my hands on him! I'll kill him.等我抓到他,我要把他宰了!Keep your hands on the wheel!手不要离开方向盘!I couldn't lay my hands on a copy of the book.我无法搞到这本书。Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.特蕾西双手叉腰叹了口气。She sat down at the piano and put her hands on the keys.她在钢琴前坐下,把双手放在琴键上。She wiped her floury hands on a cloth.她把沾满面粉的双手在一块布上擦了擦。He drove, gloved hands on the wheel.他开着车,戴手套的双手握着方向盘。He tore his hands on barbed wire.他的双手被铁丝网钩伤了。I was at a complete loss as to how I could lay my hands on the money.我完全不知道应该怎样拿到钱。She put her hands on the top of the fence and vaulted over it easily.她双手放在篱笆上,一下子就翻了过去。They made him put his hands on the police car and spread his legs.他们让他把手放在警车上,张开双腿。She approached a young couple holding hands on a bench.她走近一对手拉手坐在长椅上的年轻情侣。I can never lay my hands on a stapler in this office.在这间办公室里我永远也找不到订书机。He wiped his hands on a rag.他用一块破布擦了手。She wiped her hands on the towel.她用毛巾擦了擦手。She stood with her hands on her hips, waiting.她两手叉腰站着等候。Patty began reading everything she could get her hands on.帕蒂开始阅读她能找到的所有东西。Wait until I get my hands on you. 让我抓到有你好看!She rubbed her hands on her apron.她在围裙上擦了擦手。He wiped his floury hands on his pants.他在裤子上擦了擦沾了面粉的手。At the same time the canoe-men raised baskets of fruit on hooked poles to the hands on the gangway.同时,小艇划手用带钩的杆子将一篮篮水果挑起来,递给舷梯上的船员。He dropped his hands on to his knees.他将双手垂放在腿上。She laid her hands on her swollen belly.她把双手放在肿胀的腹部。If I lay my hands on that book, I'll let you know.如果我搞到那本书,我会告诉你的。Lainey wiped her hands on the towel.莱内用毛巾把手擦干。Amelia scooted over to him, hands on hips.阿梅莉娅双手叉腰,冲到他身边。She folded her hands on her lap.她双手交叉合拢,放在腿上。




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