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词汇 handsome man
例句 He was a lean, handsome man.他身形清瘦,相貌英俊。I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.我觉得我丈夫是世界上最帅的男人,当然我也意识到我的判断很主观。Lane was a handsome man with a luxuriant moustache.雷恩是个胡须浓密的英俊男子。He was known as a tall, handsome man about town.人人都认为他是个英俊高大的花花公子。He was known as a tall, handsome man about town…他以高大英俊的花花公子形象为人所知。She flirts with every handsome man she meets.她和所遇到的每个俊男子调情。She became tongue-tied when she looked at the handsome man sitting beside her.看到这位英俊男子坐在她的旁边,她都不会说话了。Richard was supposedly a tall, dark-eyed handsome man.据说理查德是个高个子、黑眼睛的英俊男子。He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他是个英俊男子,透着点儿邪气。Megan was tricked out of her life savings by a smooth-talking handsome man who had promised to marry her.梅甘被一名巧舌如簧、答应要娶她的英俊男子骗走了毕生积蓄。




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