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词汇 make sure that
例句 You'll have to make sure that you dot the i's and cross the t's while doing the work.做这工作时,你应该做到一丝不苟。We could use pressure to make sure that Syria doesn't play the role of spoiler in the region.我们可以施加压力来确保叙利亚不在该地区扮演破坏分子的角色。Before buying the baby's car seat , make sure that it conforms to the official safety standards.购买婴儿车之前,要确保它符合官方的安全标准。They still want to make sure that the company plays fair.他们仍想搞清楚该公司有没有搞鬼。Please make sure that you sign out all equipment.请确认你已经把所有要带走的仪器都登记在册了。When laying the roof,make sure that the shingles lap over each other.铺屋顶时,一定要让木瓦重叠排放。Planning is essential to make sure that resources are used effectively.要保证资源有效利用,规划是至关重要的。The legislators vowed to see the bill through Congress to make sure that it became a law.立法委员们发誓推动法案在国会获得通过,确保其成为法律。The key thing was to make sure that all the ingredients were weighed absolutely precisely.关键是要确保所有配料称重绝对精确。We are calling to confirm your appointment with Dr. Jones. = We are calling to make sure that you will keep your appointment with Dr. Jones.我们打电话是要确定一下你与琼斯医生的预约。It's down to me to make sure that everyone is happy.让每个人愉快是我的责任。If you are offered a commission-free currency exchange, make sure that you are getting the official exchange rate.如果有人向你提供免佣金的货币兑换服务,一定要确保兑换按官方汇率进行。Sally knew that modelling would be her career, and she was going to make sure that nothing stood in her way.萨莉知道当模特儿就是她的事业,她要确保没有任何事情妨碍她。We leant over backwards to make sure that candidates from minority groups were given a fair chance.我们竭尽全力确保来自少数派团体的候选人得到公平的机会。When you hang a door, you need to make sure that it is both level and plumb.装门的时候,必须保证门是横平竖直的。They reviewed the contract to make sure that it covered all the bases.他们把合同又看了一遍,确保没有任何遗漏。A skilled accountant will make sure that you take the proper business deductions.有经验的会计师会确保你得到正当的营业抵扣。We need to make sure that these problems don't redevelop.我们需要确保这些问题不会再次发生。We watched the baby to make sure that she was asleep.我们看了看婴儿,看她是否已经睡着。We must make sure that things are done correctly.我们必须确保事情做得准确无误。Before you set your targets, make sure that they are achievable.在制定目标前,首先要确定这些目标是你力所能及的。You should make sure that you have a formal contract of employment.你应确保自己有一份正式的雇佣合同。One has to make sure that the people responsible are capable of doing the needful.要确保相关责任人能够做好他们必须做的事。We need to make sure that the children are safe and sound.我们要确保孩子们安然无恙。To avoid eye problems, make sure that your desk is well-lit.要避免眼睛出现毛病,就要确保书桌上有充足的光线。The inspectors make sure that the elderly residents are well cared for.督察员确保老年人都得到很好的照顾。Athletes must make sure that they are not involved in behavior that is law-breaking.运动员必须保证不参与违法行为。We get to know each of our customers and make sure that they don't feel like they're just a number.我们了解每一个客户,确保不使他们觉得自己只是个编号而已。The soil was tested to make sure that it was free from ammonia or any other nitrogen compound.土壤经过了测定,以保证当中不含有氨或其他氮的化合物。We want to make sure that we choose the very best design.我们想确保选出最好的设计。To make sure that the eggs are fresh, we had better candle them one by one.为了查明鸡蛋是否新鲜,我们最好将鸡蛋一一对着光检查一遍。Spin the wheel of the bicycle to make sure that it is fastened correctly.快速转动自行车的车轮,以确定它是否固定妥当。Let us make sure that these brave men and women did not die for nothing.我们绝不会让这些勇士们白白牺牲。If you have something to say make sure that it is accurate, succinct and to the point.在阐述观点时一定要准确、简洁、中肯。There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.根本没有法规来确保香烟不含有毒物质。You should call ahead to make sure that seats are available.你应该预先打个电话,弄清楚确实有空座。He wants to make sure that schools are committed to providing alternative education.他想确保学校尽力提供新型教育。Before you cut the cloth, make sure that the pattern matches up on both edges.在裁剪布料前要确保两个边缘的图案对称。He looked in the bathroom to make sure that he was alone.他往浴室里看了看,确定就他一个人。We must make sure that the problem does not recur.我们必须确保这种问题不再出现。




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