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词汇 hand in
例句 Ask the children to guess what's in each container by dipping their hands in.让孩子们伸手进去摸摸,猜猜每个容器里面是什么。The unions overplayed their hand in the end and failed to get the pay rise they wanted.后来工会错估了自己的形势,未能得到他们希望的加薪。He was given a remarkably free hand in making all the arrangements.他在制定计划方面被授予很大的自行决定权。Your papers should be handed in before 10 .你们的试卷要在10点前交上来。He dipped his hand in his pocket and took out a few coins.他伸手从口袋里掏出了几枚硬币。When you leave the hotel, please hand in your key at the desk.离开旅馆时,请把钥匙交到服务台。Peter injured his hand in a training accident.在一次培训事故中,彼得伤了手。They grabbed each other's hands in simultaneous panic.他们俩同时惊慌起来,相互抓住对方的手。She folds her hands in prayer.祈祷时她双手交叠。We're supposed to hand in this work tomorrow.按要求我们应该明天交这件活儿。Do they suspect the government of having a hand in it?他们怀疑政府暗中参与了此事吗?All essays must be handed in by Tuesday.所有的作文都必需在星期二之前交上来。She was caught with her hands in the till.她偷公司钱的时候被当场抓住。He thanked all who had a hand in his release.他向所有帮助自己获得释放的人表示感谢。She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.她以漂亮的斜体字写上了收件人的姓名和地址。He outthrew his hand in greeting me.他与我握手表示欢迎。Who will get the upper hand in this power struggle?谁会在这一权力斗争中占上风?Brutality and inhumanity go hand in glove with war.残忍和暴虐与战争密切相关。He dipped his hand in the water.他把手浸入水中。People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children.人们更倾向于捐款帮助儿童。I saw them walking hand in hand through town the other day.那天我看见他们手牵手走过小镇。She threw up her hands in despair.她绝望地举起双手表示放弃。Fanny clasped her hands in mute protest.范妮拍着手表示无声的抗议。Loss of skill goes hand in hand with loss of self-esteem.失去技能也就失去了自尊。The man stood with his hands in his pockets.那个男人双手插在衣兜里站着。Tom has handed in his resignation.汤姆提交了辞职信。He started paddling his hands in the water.他开始用双手玩水。I stuffed my hands in my pockets.我双手插在口袋里。Mrs Ringrose sat down and folded her hands in her lap.林罗斯夫人坐下来,双手叠放在腿上。In most societies, wealth and power go hand in hand.在大多数社会里,财富和权势是紧密相连的。We were all clapping our hands in time to the music.我们全都随着音乐的节奏拍着手。She extended her hand in greeting.她伸出手表示欢迎。Bigotry goes hand in hand with intolerance.愚顽与偏执相伴而来。Far from being independent, the government and media work hand in glove.政府和媒体互相勾结而绝非各不相干。He tried to convince her not to go, but in the end he had to throw up his hands in despair.他努力说服她不要离开,但最后,他只好绝望地放弃努力。The students handed in their assignments.学生们交了作业。Murphy dropped his hoe and joined hands in prayer.墨菲扔下锄头,双手合十祈祷。He handed in his resignation in protest against the president's European policy.为抗议总统的欧洲政策他忿然提交了辞呈。He spread his hands in a gesture of incomprehension.他摊开双手表示不理解。They clapped their hands in time to the music.他们合着音乐的节拍拍手。




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