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词汇 cords
例句 Bedrooms are fitted with alarm pull cords to alert the manager in an emergency.卧室中装有警报器拉绳,遇到紧急情况时可向经理报警。He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute.他忽视了降落伞上要求使用更结实的绳索的警告信息,因而命丧黄泉。It has integral cords which are pulled up together to pleat the curtain top.窗帘里面有绳子,拉紧便可将帘子上部打褶。Tie the cords neatly.把绳子系整齐。When removing the tonsil stones from his throat, the surgeon inadvertently damaged his vocal cords.外科医生在移除他的扁桃腺结石时不小心伤到了他的声带。We use three cords of wood in a winter.我们一个冬天要用三考得的木柴。They used cords to tie the tent to the trees.他们用绳子把帐篷拴在树上。Susan and her fiance think of their letters as cords of love.苏珊和她未婚夫把他俩的来往书信看作爱情的纽带。She wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed paralysed.她想尖叫,但她的声带好像不听使唤了。As air passes over our vocal cords, it makes them vibrate.气流通过我们的声带,使之产生振动。




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