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词汇 hammered
例句 They hammered out the dents in the metal sheet.他们把金属薄板上的凹痕敲平。He hammered the dent out of the fender.他把挡泥板的凹痕敲平。Recent government campaigns have hammered away at these themes.近来政府举办的几次活动反复强调了这些主题。The copper was hammered into a flat sheet.这块铜被锤成了扁扁的一片。I always had it hammered into me that I mustn't lie.我总是反复对自己说不能撒谎。He is being hammered by his political opponents for his failure to cut taxes.他因减税失败遭到其政敌的猛烈抨击。Owen hammered the ball into the back of the net.欧文一记劲射,球直入网窝。They hammered him with a club.他们用棍棒打他。He hammered away on the door until he got an answer.他连连敲门,直到有人应声。If we turned up late, we would be hammered by everybody.如果我们迟到了,就会遭到大家的声讨。British industry was being hammered by the recession.英国工业正受到经济萧条的冲击。Canada and the US have hammered out a final form for their trade agreement.加拿大和美国经过详细讨论,已经拟出了它们贸易协议的最终文本。Robinson hammered the ball into the goal.罗宾逊猛力将球踢进了球门。They also hammered away at Labor's plans to raise taxes.他们还不断谈到工党的增税计划。He hammered home the message that his party would be tough on crime.他使人们明白他的政党将对犯罪活动采取严厉措施。Local businesses are being hammered by the new shopping mall.当地商家正受到新的购物中心的挤压。I hammered the door until my knuckles rebelled.我嘭嘭打门,直到指关节疼痛难禁。He hammered his two clenched fists on the table.他双拳紧握,重重地捶着桌子。Her heart hammered against her ribs.她的心怦怦地直跳。She hammered a nail into the wall.她往墙上砸进一颗钉子。Her latest film was hammered by the critics.她最新拍摄的电影受到了影评家的猛烈抨击。Defence lawyers hammered away at the witness's credibility.辩护律师就证人的可信度频频发难。Many towns were hammered by the hurricane.许多小镇遭到飓风袭击。We were hammered in both games.我们两场比赛都被击败了。They got/were hammered last night.他们昨晚喝得大醉。They have hammered the idea that the KLA is a terrorist organization.他们反复灌输科索沃解放军是恐怖组织这一观点。What happens at the atomic level when metals are hammered and pressed into shape has always been a mystery.当金属被锤压成型时,在原子水平上发生了什么一直是个谜。He hammered the metal into an arrowhead.他把那块金属锤打成箭头。The programme was hammered into shape last year.那方案是去年经反复研讨而制定的。The president has been hammered for his lack of leadership.总统因领导无方而受到猛烈抨击。I hammered the nails into the wall.我在墙上钉了钉子。I hammered down the nails.我用锤子钉钉子。Recent advertising campaigns from the industry have hammered at these themes.该行业最近的广告宣传活动一直在反复强调这些主题。The lawyer hammered him with questions about his involvement in the crime.律师就他的涉案情况发起连环追问。The children hammered at the door to be let in out of the rain.孩子们砰砰地敲门,想进屋避雨。Using bronze bars and chisels, they laboriously pecked and hammered the stone.他们用青铜锭和凿子费力地捶凿石头。Daniella hammered at the door.丹妮拉不停地捶门。The metal was hammered into arrowheads.金属被锤打成箭头。The arrows hammered into shields with sickening force.箭射进了盾牌里,力度惊人。Her heart hammered with a terrible excitement.她的心因极度激动而怦怦直跳。




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