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词汇 tussle
例句 We had a bit of a tussle over the price of the house.我们对这幢房屋讨价还价费了一点口舌。The suspect was arrested after a tussle with a security guard.嫌犯与保安扭打后被捕了。The boys started to tussle in the playground.男孩们开始在操场上扭打起来。The tussle to free the individual from the nanny state is still far from won.将个人从保姆式国家的束缚中解脱出来的斗争还远未成功。We are engaged in a legal tussle with a large pharmaceutical company.我们正同一家大制药公司闹法律纠纷。He broke his leg in a tussle for the ball.他在抢球的时候摔断了腿。League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie.联赛裁判基思·库珀在上半场因他与守门员抢球犯规而对他记名警告。They found themselves in a legal tussle with a big corporation.他们发现自己与一家大公司产生了法律纠纷。After quite a tussle, I finally wrenched the letter from him.经过好一阵扭打,我终于从他手里夺走了信。The referee booked him for a tussle with the goalie.他和守门员拉扯,因而被裁判记名警告。There is a tussle for power before the Congress convenes.国会召开之前有权力的争斗。The teams involved are engaged in a tussle for third place in the loop.尚须继续竞赛的各队为争夺联赛第三名而拼搏。The President is in for another tussle with Congress.总统与国会又起了争执。Anna and her conscience had a little tussle.安娜与自己的良知小小地斗争了一番。There's often a legal tussle over who gets custody of the children.争夺孩子抚养权的法律纠纷经常发生。




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