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词汇 turn up
例句 Well, I got three people interested in helping, so if they all turn up trumps, we should reach our target.好了,我有三个人愿意帮忙,所以如果他们都来助一臂之力的话,我们就能实现目标了。When he failed to turn up for training, he was relieved of his duties as captain.他没有参加训练,被免除了队长职务。There is a dangerous turn up ahead.前方有一处危险弯道。The police haven't turned up anything new, have they?警方还没发现任何新线索,是吧?Tom was the bad penny that always turned up.汤姆是个讨厌鬼,老是在不该出现的地方露面。If you don’t turn up, you turn our arrangements upside down.如果你不出席,你会把我们的安排打乱的。A thorough examination of the company's account books turned up several interesting facts.对公司账簿进行了一次深入检查之后发现了一些有趣的情况。Margaret's ex-husband turned up at the wedding. Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop.玛格丽特的前夫出现在婚礼现场。老实说,当时全场真是鸦雀无声。Gary turned up right on time, holding a big bouquet of flowers.加里捧着一大束鲜花,一分不差地准时到达。It is quite amazing what turns up when you are least expecting it.事情偏偏就在你最意想不到的时候发生,真是很奇怪。The missing ring turned up. 那枚丢失的戒指找到了。She turned up her coat collar for extra warmth.她竖起了衣领以便更暖和一些。He turned up his nose at a job washing dishes.他对洗碗碟的工作不屑一顾。Well, if you missed the presentation because you couldn't be bothered to turn up on time, that's your hard luck!嗯,如果你是因为不屑于劳神费力准时到场而误了发言,那是你活该倒霉!The police investigation hasn't turned up any new evidence.警方的调查还没有发现任何新的证据。This motor turns up 100 horsepower.这台发动机的功率达到100马力。The documents finally turned up in an office along the corridor.这些文件最后在走廊边的一间办公室里被发现了。If you want to be on the team, you have to turn up for regular training.如果你想进那个球队,就得定期训练。No one turned up to claim on a single article.没有人前来认领任何一件物品。You'll get another job: something is bound to turn up soon.你会有新工作的,机会应该很快就会出现。Her hair was turned up at the end.她的头发梢向上翘。An oily lawyer turned up with the deeds to Uncle Cyrus's house.一位油滑的律师带着赛勒斯叔叔的房契出现了。When Moira turned up, Tess could see all her good work going down the tubes.莫伊拉一出现,特丝就觉得她所有心血都白费了。Don't worry about your earrings - I'm sure they'll turn up sooner or later.别担心你的耳环一迟早会自己跑出来的。My pen turned up in a drawer.我的钢笔在一个抽屉里找到了。Are you cold? I could turn up the temperature if you'd like.你冷吗?如果需要,我可以把温度调高。He suffered a seizure, and after a brief, humiliating struggle turned up his toes.他突然发病,丢人现眼地挣扎了没几下就玩完了。Things were looking bad, but he was sure someone would turn up to save him.事情看起来有点糟,但他确信会有人来救他。The team turned up trumps in the final game and won the championship.球队在决赛时发挥出色,获得了冠军。Everybody who was anybody in Labour politics turned up.工党政治生活中的头面人物个个都到场了。Not surprisingly, she was very annoyed when he didn't turn up.没有什么好奇怪的,他没有赴约,她当然会很生气。She turned up half an hour late.她半个小时后才姗姗来迟。Thousands turned up to pay their last respects to a great leader.上千人参加了葬礼,向伟大的领袖致以最后的敬意。She turned up the heat full blast.她把暖气开到最大。Gary got a shock when his ex-girlfriend turned up on his doorstep.加里以前的女友突然出现在门口,使他大吃一惊。She turned up at her fiancé's bachelor party.她在未婚夫的单身汉聚会上现身。That's just like Maisie to turn up half an hour late to her own party!梅茜就是这样的人,为她办聚会时她都要拖后半小时才露面!He walked past with his collar turned up and his hands thrust into his pockets.他竖起领子,双手插在口袋里走了过去。They turned up the soil and planted trees.他们翻土种树。He turned up the ends of his trousers and waded across the river.他卷起裤脚蹚过河。




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