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词汇 strips
例句 The chicken is cut into long strips and served on top of the salad.鸡肉切成长条并放在沙拉上面后再端上桌。Decorate the top of the pizza with anchovies/strips of anchovy.在比萨饼上放些鳀鱼/鳀鱼条作点缀。The dessert was decorated with strips of lemon peel.甜点上装饰了些切成丝状的柠檬皮。Keeping prisoners in such dreadful conditions strips them of all dignity.把犯人关押在条件如此恶劣的地方简直让他们尊严尽失。Charles Schulz's 'Peanuts' is the gold standard for comic strips.查尔斯・舒尔茨的《花生漫画》是连环漫画的黄金标准。The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together.最简单的碎布地毯是由碎布条编在一起制成的。Cut the pepper into strips.把甜椒切成条。Roll out the pastry and cut into narrow strips.把油酥面团擀薄然后切成长条。The designer milled and installed steel strips around the fireplace.设计师铣好钢条后安装在壁炉四周。The frame is planked with vertical strips of balsa.这个框架用轻木竖条铺实。The cartoon strips are designed to make Shakespeare accessible to children.把莎士比亚的作品设计成连环漫画是为了便于孩子们理解。She then snipped the satin into thin strips.然后她将一块缎子剪成细条。They appliquéd their sweaters with colorful strips.他们在毛衣上缝了彩色条纹。The road has speed bumps, crash barriers and rumble strips.这条路上有减速带、防撞护栏和齿纹震动带。Cut the carrots into thin strips.把胡萝卜切成细条。The wallpaper can then be torn off in strips.随后墙纸就可以一条一条地撕下来。Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden, and sprinkled with salt - voilà! tortilla chips.玉米粉圆饼可以切成长条,炸至金黄色,再撒上些盐——瞧,这就是墨西哥炸玉米条。Cut the meat into thick strips.把肉切成粗条。Altman strips away the pretence and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other.奥尔特曼揭去了电影产业的伪装和神秘光环,揭示了其与其他产业并无二致的商业本质。Serve dish with strips of fresh raw vegetables.用新鲜的生蔬菜条作配菜。I shaved off long strips of wood with my dagger.我用匕首削下几片长木条。His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.他的手腕开始被捆绑的布带磨得很痛。Cut the turkey into strips.把火鸡切成窄长块。The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。He put weather strips on the doors and windows.他给门窗装上了密封条。The wooden strips have to be tacked down.必须把木条钉紧。He wore blue jeans, which had been lengthened with strips of denim.他穿着一条蓝色的牛仔裤,裤脚上用牛仔布条加长了。The government has started issuing driving licences with magnetic strips on the back that contain data.政府开始发放背后带有含数据磁条的驾驶执照。Cut the salmon into long strips and wrap it round the circumference of the bread.将三文鱼切成长条,然后把它裹在面包的四周。Is an actress who strips off in public necessarily a loose woman in private?.在公众面前宽衣解带的女演员私下里就一定是荡妇吗?




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