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例句 She has been appearing in a show in London.她一直在伦敦演一部音乐剧。Pavarotti will be appearing in a number of concerts over the summer.帕瓦罗蒂将在夏季许多音乐会上演出。Martha tried to block the mouse holes up, but new ones kept appearing.玛莎试图把老鼠洞堵住,但是新的洞又会不停地出现。He is appearing in court on charges of bribery and tax evasion.他因被控行贿和逃税而出庭受审。There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets.有报道说几队军用车辆出现在街头。He acquired kudos just by appearing on television.他就因为上了电视而有了名气。Marsha was quite casual about appearing on TV.玛莎对于上电视很是无所谓。I think you can safely say she will not be appearing in another of my films.我认为你可以打包票说在我今后的电影里不会再有她出现了。Bears are appearing more and more frequently in populated areas熊在有人烟的地方出没越来越多。Some people see nothing wrong with appearing on a TV show, and revealing their most intimate thoughts.有些人认为上电视坦陈自己最隐秘的思想没什么不妥。Hopkins will be appearing as Willie Lomax in next week's production.霍普金斯将在下周的演出中饰演威利·洛马克斯。Who wants spam messages appearing on their website?谁会想让垃圾信息出现在自己的网站上呢?The new range will be appearing in shops in the autumn.新的系列将于秋季上市。What if Spain reacts to the similar economic pressures which are appearing over there?西班牙要是对类似于那里正在出现的经济压力做出反应该怎么办?They're appearing in concert tonight at the Royal Concert Hall.他们今晚将在皇家音乐大厅登台演出。For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.对总统说来,局势同样难料。假如维和行动出了岔子,他就会显得无能。He will use the chance of appearing on television to talk up his latest book.他将利用在电视上露面的机会宣传自己最新出版的书。His friend is appearing in the juvenile courts.他的朋友正在少年法庭出庭受审。The theme is a ritornello appearing at the end of each chapter.主题反复出现在每章的结尾。They try to tease out the answers without appearing to ask.他们试图不动声色地套出答案。She is currently appearing at the Playhouse.她目前正在剧院演出。The author used the opportunity of appearing on TV to give his latest book a plug.作者利用在电视上露面的机会宣传他的新书。The actor has received death threats since appearing in the controversial movie.这名演员自从出演了那部有争议的电影后就不断遭到死亡恐吓。The American actors’ union threatened to prevent her from appearing in the New York version of the show.美国演员联合会威胁说要阻止她在该剧的纽约版中演出。His new book will be appearing in the shops very soon.他的新作即将在书店上架出售。A French book appearing in English dress一本英国装帧的法国书He will be appearing at the Newport folk festival.他将参加纽波特民间艺术节的演出。Davis is currently appearing in a play at the Thorndike Theatre.戴维斯目前正在桑代克剧院演出一部戏剧。Tony is currently appearing in pantomime at Reading.托尼目前在雷丁的圣诞节童话剧中参加演出。They're appearing/performing twice nightly at the Playhouse Theatre.他们每晚在剧场剧院表演两场。Angry fans called him a sellout when he started appearing in television commercials.当他开始出现在电视商业广告中时,愤怒的粉丝们指责他是个背叛者。As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile.作为服务员,你应该对人友好,但不要表现出完全卑躬屈膝的样子。Not content with appearing on our TV screens every day, the couple have decided to expand their chat-show empire.这对夫妇不满足于每天出现在电视屏幕上,于是决定扩展他们的脱口秀帝国。Inevitably, reports of the failure were soon appearing in the newspapers.关于失败的报道必然很快会见诸报端。Ms Hawley was appearing for the defence.霍利女士将担任被告的辩护律师。The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music Festival.这位著名的歌手将在今秋的音乐节上演出。From appearing and disappearing assistants to birds materializing out of thin air, the master of magic amazes his audience.从助手的出现和消失,到凭空变出几只鸟,魔术大师让观众惊奇不已。She will be appearing in the latest adaptation of "Bleak House".她将在《荒凉山庄》最新的改编版本中出演角色。He's appearing at a local folk festival tonight.他将在今晚出席当地的民俗节日活动。I suffer badly from cold sores and dread them appearing on my wedding day.我得了严重的唇疱疹,生怕在婚礼那天发作。




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