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词汇 Half
例句 Half of the research posts depend on outside funding.一半的研究职位依靠外部资金。Half of them are coming.他们有一半人正赶过来。Half the regiment was away on exercise.这个团的一半人员在外演习。Half a dozen ducks waddled up the bank.六只鸭子摇摇摆摆走上岸。Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold.一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒冷中冻死了。Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.玛莎班上有一半的学生得了流感。Half of his land is covered with timber.他的地有一半长著树木。Half the time the managers don't know what's going on.那些经理大部分时间都不知道发生了什么事。Half the team had gone down with flu.队里一半的人都患了流感。Half of the students are boarders.半数的学生是寄宿生。Half-heartedness won't do – it's got to be all or nothing.三心二意是不行的 — 要么全力以赴,要么什么都不干。Half his front teeth were missing.他门牙缺了一半。Half of the cost of the study will devolve upon the firm.这项研究的一半费用将由这家公司负担。Half a dozen couples were twirling about to a waltz.有六对舞伴随着华尔兹舞曲在快速旋转。Half of our products are for export.我们有一半产品出口。Half of our stock is for use, the other half for store.我们的存货一半供使用,另一半供储备。Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready.晚上外出时一半的乐趣在于出门前的准备。Half her salary goes on the rent.她的工资一半花在房租上。Half of California's deceased opt for cremation.加利福尼亚州有一半的亡故者选择火葬。Half of the class has a chance at passing the test, and that is a charitable estimate.全班半数学生有机会通过这次考试,这是比较乐观的估计。Half of those who went east seem to have landed up in southern India.前往东方的人似乎有半数到了印度南部。Half-a-dozen lads surged round the corner, jumping about, shouting.六个少年挤在拐角处,跳来跳去,吼叫着。Half an hour later, the party began to dissolve.半小时以后,宴会宾客开始散去。Half of them have never held down a proper job.他们中有一半的人从没保住过一份真正的工作。Half the time you go around with your eyes shut.大部分时间里我们对周围发生的事漠不关心。Half the road was up in Leadenhall Street, so their taxi was obliged to make a detour.半条利德霍尔街都在修路,他们的出租车只好绕道走。Half a piece is better than none.半个总比没有强。Half the inspectors here are bent.这里的巡官有一半是贪赃枉法的。Half of his money is invested in bonds and the other half in equities.他的钱一半投资债券,另一半投资股票。Half-concealed by the curtain, he peered out of the window.他把半个身子藏在窗帘后面,看着窗外。Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation.半数的囚犯死于拷打和饥饿。Half the patients were given the medication and the other half received a sugar pill.一半的病人给予药物,另一半则给予安慰剂。Half way down the coach was a vacant seat.车厢中部有一个空座。Half their total spending is allocated to armaments.他们总开支的一半用于军备开支。Half of the marks are for the exam, and half are for coursework.成绩一半来自考试,一半来自平时的作业。Half the committee walked out on the chairman while he was still speaking.当主席还在讲话时,委员会的一半委员离开他退出了会场。Half the companies in the survey reported a decrease in sales.调查中有一半公司表示销售有所减少。Half the world was in mortal terror of him.世界上有一半人都特别怕他。Half of Swedish marriages end in divorce.瑞典人的婚姻有一半以离婚告终。Half the students spend all their time sitting round drinking coffee.一半的学生整日闲坐着喝咖啡。




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