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例句 She doesn't like to draw attention to her illness.她不喜欢别人注意她的病。I feared that my arrival might draw the unwelcome attention of officials.我担心我的到达可能会引起官员们的注意,而这正是我不希望的。The dog's barking raised the alarm.犬吠声引起了人们的注意Louise was stirring the soup with half an eye on the baby.路易斯边搅拌汤边注意婴儿。The boy's absence from class has been noted.那个男孩没来上课引起了注意She always wants to be the focus of attention.她老想成为人们注意的中心。In the next place, you should pay more attention to the structure of the article.其次,你们要多注意这篇文章的结构。As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.在她转身的时候,草坪有什么动静吸引了她的注意Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.这份报告中有两点特别值得注意The weather report advised us to prepare for a big freeze.天气预报提醒大家注意预防严寒。As usual, Greenspan's announcement made the financial world sit up and take notice.一如以往,格林斯潘发布的公告引起了金融界的注意Some Customs officers do show ingenuity in singling out persons for special attention.有些海关关员在选中重点注意对象方面确实别具慧眼。She tapped on the window to attract his attention.她轻轻地敲敲窗户以引起他的注意Every time the door opens, she is on the listen.每次门打开时她便注意地听着。Mum's listening, I'd better watch my language. She rouses on me if I don't.妈妈正听着呢,我还是注意自己的言谈为好,否则她会说我的。The change was too subtle to attract much notice.变化太微妙了,没有引起太多注意The shy boy effaced himself by staying in the background.那害羞的孩子躲在后面不让人注意When you're driving in winter you should always be on the watch for ice on the roads.冬天开车时,应该时刻注意结冰的路面。More care would insure you against making so many mistakes.多加注意就能保证你不犯这么多的错误了。Wear what you like, no one seems to take any notice.穿你喜欢的衣服,好像没人会注意的。He is very careless with his money; it is always a feast or a famine with him.他花钱很不注意,总是有钱时过得奢华,没钱时就饿肚子。An urgent message claimed his attention.一个紧急的信息需要他注意I tried to attract the waiter's attention.我试图引起服务员的注意A producer tends to little things like that.生产者往往会注意那样的细节。Note that the compound is more stable at high temperatures.注意,这种化合物在高温下更稳定。For security reasons, passengers are requested not to leave any baggage unattended.为安全起见,请旅客们注意照看好自己的行李。Take care not to burn your fingers.注意别烧着手指头。People living near the crash scene paid no attention when they heard the aircraft's engine cut out in mid-air.住在失事地点附近的居民听见这架飞机的引擎在半空中停下时并未加以注意The court agreed that he failed to exercise due care/caution/diligence in trying to prevent the accident. 法庭裁定,他在此次事故中负没有尽到应有小心/谨慎/注意的责任。The two assistants carried on chatting, taking no notice of the customers.两名售货员继续聊天,丝毫没有注意顾客。The class listened with deferential attention.全班同学恭敬地注意聆听。You should not be so unmindful of your health.你不应如此不注意自己的健康。Pay special attention to how you clean the wound.你要格外注意怎样清洁伤口。There are some things you don't see unless you look.有些事情你若不注意就看不见。I have to watch my figure.我得注意保持身材。A flicker of movement caught her eye.什么东西一晃引起了她的注意She's very careless about her clothes.她非常不注意自己的衣着。The doctor alerted me to the danger of a heart attack.医生提醒我注意心脏病发作的危险。She was careful of their feelings.她很注意照顾他们的感受。His special talents attracted my notice.他特殊的才干引起了我的注意




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