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例句 He was conscious that she was staring at him as he spoke.注意到当他在讲话时,她在盯着他看。Inspectors have observed terrible factory conditions that dehumanize workers.巡视人员注意到工厂的恶劣环境,工人受到了非人待遇。He was aware that she was lame in one leg.注意到她一条腿有残疾。I noticed a red bicycle propped against the wall.注意到一辆红色自行车靠墙放着。The screws occasionally noticed if an inmate didn't make his bed.如果犯人没有叠好被子,监狱看守有时就会注意到I noticed the ring on the third finger of her left hand.注意到她左手无名指上戴着的戒指。Cassandra noticed him because he was good-looking.卡桑德拉注意到他因为他长得帅气。I caught notice of a small scrap of paper on my desk.注意到书桌上有一个小纸片。Have you noticed any peculiarities in his behaviour recently?你是否注意到他最近有什么古怪的行为?Ethan noticed the disappointment in Lisa's eyes.伊桑注意到莉莎眼中的失望。His eyes were drawn to a bundle of papers in the corner.注意到角落里的一捆文件。You couldn't help noticing how his eyes kept following her.你会不由得注意到他的眼睛一直盯着她。You will notice that your baby has two soft areas on the top of his head.你会注意到你的宝宝头顶上有两处柔软的地方。They were too doped up to notice what was happening.在毒品的强大作用下,他们根本没有注意到发生了什么事。Strangely, nobody seemed to notice.很奇怪,好像没人注意到Nobody really noticed the changes.没有人真正注意到这些变化。It's been brought to my notice that you've expressed your dislike of a certain member of the company.注意到你对公司的某个人有不满。I noticed a crack in the ceiling.注意到天花板上有一条裂缝。When comparing cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.比较不同的文化时,我们往往只注意到其中的差异,而忽略了那许多相似之处。It has come to my notice that directly over the platform was a balcony.注意到平台的正上方是一个阳台。There was a growing resentment among inmates which the prison authorities had either failed to notice or just ignored.囚犯之间仇恨越来越深,可是监狱当局没有注意到,或者他们就是置之不理。They noticed increasing signs of unease among the workers.他们注意到工人当中出现了越来越多的不安迹象。He noticed two policemen coming towards him.注意到两名警察正朝他走来。Perhaps there's something the police have missed.也许还有警察没有注意到的东西。I noticed a certain peculiarity about his appearance.注意到他外貌的某个特别之处。I noticed him sneak a look at what I was writing.注意到他悄悄地偷看了一眼我正在写的东西。Anja noticed the look of apprehension on his face.安雅注意到他脸上恐惧的表情。Her father noticed her singular talent for music.她父亲注意到了她在音乐上的非凡天赋。She noticed an unfamiliar truck parked across the street.注意到街对面停着一辆陌生的卡车。He was too preoccupied to notice.他太专注了,没有注意到Did you notice how thin her wrists were?注意到她的手腕有多细了吗?I had noticed a gradual improvement in her written work.注意到她的书面作业逐渐有了进步。Are you alive to what is going on?注意到正在发生的事吗? She seemed not to notice as flakes of snow dusted her hair.她似乎没有注意到片片雪花落满她的头发。I'm amazed that there are so many restaurants in Tucson that have completely escaped my notice over the years.我很惊讶,图森有这么多餐厅,而多年来我却完全没有注意到He noticed Rolfe standing silently over by the window.注意到罗尔夫一声不吭地站在窗户旁边。His talent was noticed early on, though it was years before he achieved a major breakthrough.他的才华人们很早便注意到了,不过多年以后他才取得重大突破。I noticed a glint of comprehension in his expression.注意到他一丝若有所悟的表情。The first thing I noticed about him was his eyes.我首先注意到的就是他的眼睛。This is something you would expect a skilled negotiator to pick up on.这是只有老练的谈判者才会注意到的东西。




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