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They're hailing it as the new wonder drug.他们把这种药誉为新的灵丹妙药。By the close of business last night, most of the big firms were hailing yesterday's actions as a success.昨晚交易结束的时候,多数大公司都称赞当天的活动取得了成功。The plane was hailing leaflets on the city.飞机正在向城市撒下大批传单。They were within hailing distance of each other.他们的距离不远,能听见彼此的喊话。Many are hailing Rendell's ideas as visionary.许多人都称赞伦德尔的想法很有远见。Laura flits about New York hailing taxis at every opportunity.劳拉一有机会就打车在纽约四处游走。 |