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例句 She felt she had been mistreated by the police.她觉得受到警察的虐待。Police officers had beaten the man with their batons.警察用警棍打了那名男子。Bernadette had a vision in which the Virgin Mary appeared before her.贝尔纳黛特看见了一个幻象,那就是圣母玛丽出现在她面前。Upstairs he had a studio where he painted a little.他在楼上有一个画室,有时在那里作一点画。She has just had her legs waxed at the local beauty parlour.她刚在当地一家美容院除了腿毛。The teaching profession has lost the prestige it had in former times.教学专业已经失去了过去曾有过的威望。He had stumbled into teaching English after he finished college.大学毕业后,因为一个偶然的机会他开始教英语。She had so many awards but was completely unknown to me.她拿了这么多奖,但我对她一无所知。The landlord had the right of entry to the building with due warning.房东有权预先通知后进入大楼。Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。We had it in mind to take legal proceedings against them.我打算起诉他们。He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him.他发现自己的监护人美美姨妈并没有依法领养他。I'm sorry you have had such a long wait.对不起让你久等了。He had a sore on his upper lip.他上嘴唇有一处溃疡。He had old-fashioned ideas and was easily shocked.他思想保守,动不动就大惊小怪。We had a relatively painless breakup.我们分手了,不是很痛苦。She had become dangerously underweight. 她变得瘦骨伶仃了。The hotel had everything – sauna, swimming pool, the works.这家酒店设施一应俱全 — 桑拿浴室、游泳池,应有尽有。I realised I had a big problem. I wanted to be all things to all people.我意识到我有个大毛病,我总想不得罪任何人。One thing was certain: someone had been in his room.有一点是肯定的:有人进过他的房间。When I got home I just sat down and cried. I'd had enough.我回到家就坐下哭了起来。 我受够了。She swore blind that she had never seen him before.她一口咬定她以前从未见过他。I had a good cry and got it out of my system.我大哭一场,痛快地发泄了一下。For years, two giant recording companies have had a stranglehold on the CD market.许多年来,两家大唱片公司完全控制着光盘市场。Maggie's face had frozen into a cold mask.玛吉一下变得面若冰霜。The doctor asked him when he had last had intercourse.医生问他最后一次性交是什么时候。He had a dream about Claire.他梦见了克莱尔。There were circles under her eyes, as though she had not slept.她下眼圈发黑,仿佛没有睡过觉。She had me by the arm and wouldn't let go.她抓住我的胳膊不放。Now she was really turning on the agony, saying she had nothing left to live for.现在她真是在大肆渲染痛苦,说没有什么盼头活下去。We each had to make a choice.我们每人都必须做选择。Parts of the floor of the car had simply rusted away.汽车底盘的一部分已经锈光了。We had been mooching champagne at one of the corporate get-togethers.在公司的一次聚会上,我们不停地索要香槟酒喝。They crossed off the names of the people who had already been invited.他们划掉了那些已被邀请的人的名字。She had a wonderful combination of beauty and goodness.她品貌兼备。His quiet demeanor had a calming effect on us.他平和的举止使我们平静下来。He was sorry he had agreed to stay for dinner.他后悔同意留下来吃晚饭。He applied whatever strength he had left to the task.他把剩下的力气全部用到这项任务上了。They've had to deal with flight delays and all of the other hassles of holiday travel.他们必须应对航班延误和其他所有假日旅行的烦心事儿。I was instructed that £20,000 had been paid into my account.我得到通知已有两万英镑存入我的账户。




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