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词汇 habitual
例句 His habitual tardiness was a black mark against him.习惯性拖延是他的一大缺点。He soon recovered his habitual geniality.他很快便恢复了他一贯的热情友好。He smiled briefly, then returned to his habitual frown.他只稍稍一笑,然后又习惯性地皱起了眉。Other countries retained their traditional and habitual ways of doing things.其他国家仍然保持着他们做事的传统和习惯。They went for their habitual evening walk.他们照例晚上去散步了。Sabrina has discarded her habitual boilersuit and is arrayed in black mini and tights.萨布丽娜脱下平日穿的工作服,换上了黑色的超短裙和连裤袜。She was a habitual daydreamer.她总是爱幻想。Tony's habitual laziness became even more extreme in winter, and he would sometimes stay in bed until mid afternoon.托尼懒惰成性,到了冬天更加变本加厉,有时候会在床上待到下午很晚的时候。He suddenly dropped his habitual banter.他突然不再像往常一样开玩笑。He was fired for his habitual lateness.他因为经常迟到而被开除。It is estimated that as many as half the young men in the community are habitual drug users.估计该社区有多达一半的年轻男人经常吸毒。If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects.不良姿势一旦定型,其影响可能是长期性的。The superintendent discharged him because of habitual absenteeism.由于经常旷工,监工把他开除了。She took her habitual place at the table.她在桌边惯常的位子上坐下。The country relaxed into its habitual tolerance of free expression.这个国家又呈宽松局面,一如既往地容忍言论自由了。James took his habitual morning walk around the garden.詹姆斯如常地绕花园作晨间散步。My father was a habitual gambler, until my mother packed her bags and threatened to leave.我爸爸曾经嗜赌成性,直到妈妈收拾行李威胁要离开他。There seem to be two distinct types of habitual criminals.似乎有两种截然不同的惯犯。They showed habitual indiscrimination in the choice of their friends.他们在择友方面向来良莠不分。Ingrained attitudes and habitual ways of thinking are very difficult to change.根深蒂固的处世之道和惯常的思维方式是很难改变的。




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