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词汇 烟草
例句 Can I trade my tobacco for your matches?我用烟草换你的火柴行吗? These cigarettes are a blend of the best tobaccos.这些香烟是用最好的烟草混合制成的。The tobacco issue is becoming too politicized.烟草问题变得过分政治化了。The air was thick with tobacco smoke.空气里弥漫着浓重的烟草味儿。Straight after your last cigarette your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins.一旦停止抽烟,人体立刻就会开始清除体内的烟草毒素。The original settlers traded furs and skins for food and tobacco.最初的定居者用毛皮换食品和烟草The region produces large amounts of cotton and tobacco.这一地区出产大量棉花和烟草South Carolina is the fourth largest producer of tobacco.南卡罗来纳是第四大烟草出产地。Tomatoes and tobacco are American plants.西红柿和烟草是原产于美洲的植物。The organization ran a national campaign about the dangers of cigarettes and other tobacco products.该组织进行了一场全国的活动,宣传香烟及其他烟草产品的危害。He pouched his tobacco.他把烟草放入烟袋。He bought some cigars at the tobacconist's.他在烟草店买了些雪茄。Ghana still imports both raw and processed tobacco.加纳仍旧进口生烟草和加工过的烟草Most farmers now produce cash crops such as coffee and tobacco for the export market.现在大多数农民种植咖啡、烟草之类供出口的经济作物。The doctor demonstrated the harmful effects of tobacco.医生用实例说明烟草的有害的影响。Tobacco manufacturers should be forced to reduce the nicotine in cigarettes to negligible levels.应当强制烟草生产商将香烟中的尼古丁含量降至微乎其微的水平。The tobacco workers were paid on a piecework basis.烟草工人拿的是计件报酬。As a major health risk, hepatitis is second only to tobacco.肝炎是仅次于烟草的主要健康威胁。These early experimenters with the weed can in some sense be seen as miscreant drug users.在某种程度上,可以将这些早期试用烟草的人视为可恶的吸毒者。New laws will clamp down on the illegal smuggling of cigarettes and tobacco.新的法律将严厉打击非法走私香烟和烟草Tobacco is considered to be an evil.烟草被认为是一害。Tobacco is a federally regulated product.烟草是属于联邦监管的产品。Knowledge of the ill effects of tobacco has led to a modification in smoking behaviour.烟草不良作用的认识改变了人们的吸烟行为。Johnson still knew next to nothing about tobacco.约翰逊仍然对烟草几乎一无所知。Tobacco was once a curiosity in Europe.烟草在欧洲曾一度是稀罕物。The ban on cigarette advertising will upset the tobacco lobby.禁止烟草广告会令院外烟草游说团体感到气恼。Tobacco is habit-forming.烟草容易上瘾。My uncle kept a little tobacconist's in Gloucester.我叔叔在格洛斯特开了一家小烟草店。Tobacco is their main crop.烟草是他们的主要作物。Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease.烟草会降低人体对疾病的抵抗能力。Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.虽然严禁为烟草做广告,但一些烟草公司却通过赞助音乐会来打擦边球。When he arrived he stank of whiskey and tobacco, like always.和平时一样,他到达的时候有一股威士忌和烟草的味道。Tobacco smuggling into the UK is seriously affecting the profits of legitimate importers.烟草走私进入英国,严重影响了依法经营的进口商的利润。When taken out it was a thick rope of tobacco that they could carry in their pocket.拿出来一看,原来是一截烟草捻成的粗绳,他们可以随身装在口袋里。All tobacco products must carry a health warning.所有的烟草产品都必须印有健康警告。Stores will be fined for selling cigarettes or tobacco to minors.商店向未成年人出售香烟或烟草要被罚款。There's a warning on the cigarette packet that says "Cigarettes cause cancer".香烟的包装盒上有一条警告:“烟草严重危害健康。”Tobacco is the single greatest/largest/biggest industry in the state.烟草是这个国家最重要/最大的产业。




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