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词汇 烟花
例句 They set off fireworks in their backyard.他们在后院放烟花The pyrotechnics were on last.昨晚放烟花了。As the evening was drawing to an end, the firework display took place.晚会接近尾声,烟花表演开始了。Are you going to stay for the fireworks?你准备留下来看烟花表演吗?The box contained a taper to light each firework.盒子里装了根点火蜡线,用来点燃每一个烟花The firework fizzed for a moment and then went off with a bang.烟花嘶嘶地响了一会儿,接着便砰地一声炸开了。Eventually a ban on the sale of fireworks to children came into operation.禁止向儿童出售烟花的法令终于开始实施了。The fireworks over Golden Gate Park were really neat.金门公园的烟花表演非常精彩。The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures.节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展览。A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the Revolution.他家附近的一个居民燃放了烟花庆祝革命胜利。The firework showered sparks all over the lawn.草坪上到处是烟花撒落的火星。The fireworks lit up the sky.烟花点亮了天空。People came in droves to watch the fireworks display.人们成群结队地来看烟花表演。Fireworks lit up the night sky.烟花照亮了夜空。The picnic was quite a production. There were clowns, music, and fireworks.野餐会相当丰富多彩,有小丑、音乐和烟花A few fireworks went off.燃放了几个烟花The carnival kicked off with a wonderful firework display.狂欢节以精彩的烟花表演作为开场。The firework went off with a loud bang.烟花燃放时发出一声巨响。The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures.节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展。Fireworks were let off across the city as the victors rejoiced.烟花伴随着胜利者的喜悦在全城绽放。Fireworks lit up the sky.烟花照亮了天空。Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in midair.成百上千朵烟花在半空中同时绽放。We watched the fireworks from a safe distance.我们保持安全距离观看烟花Somebody was setting off fireworks down the street.有人沿街放烟花They put on a spectacular fireworks display.他们举办了场面壮观的烟花燃放。A group of teenagers were in the parking lot shooting off fireworks.一群青少年在停车场上放烟花Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in mid-air.成百上千的烟花在半空同时绽放。The evening ended with a grand finale of fireworks and music.晚会在烟花和音乐声中隆重闭幕。The team came out to the accompaniment of fireworks.烟花的映照下,队伍出场了。Small children are often frightrened of fireworks that make a bang.很多小孩子都害怕呯啪响的烟花People set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.人们点燃烟花,按响汽车喇叭。They held a spectacular firework display to mark the new millennium.他们举办了一个壮观的烟花表演庆祝新千年。We had a good view of the firework display from Ron's balcony.我们在罗恩的阳台上看烟花表演,非常清楚。A barrage of fireworks whooshed into the sky.一连串的烟花嗖嗖地飞上了天。The firework was a dud. 这个烟花是个哑炮。




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