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词汇 guest room
例句 We don't have a proper guest room, but you can have the sofa in the study.我们没有真正的客房,不过你可以用书房里的沙发。The guest room is in the east wing.客房在东翼楼。Floral wallpaper adorned the walls of the guest room.客房的墙上裱糊著有花卉图案的壁纸。The boy's room is a complete contrast to the guest room.这个男孩的房间和客房截然不同。Just put the presents in the guest room for now.暂时就把礼物放在客房里吧。I woke up with a stiff neck, compliments of that uncomfortable mattress in their guest room. 我醒来时脖子就落枕了,都怪他们家客房那张不舒服的床垫。The boy's room is a complete contrast to the guest room.这个小男孩的房间与客房对比鲜明。




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