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词汇 blood pressure
例句 His high blood pressure is cause for worry.他的高血压令人担忧。The nurse weighed me and took my blood pressure.护士给我称了体重,量了血压。High blood pressure increases with age.年纪增大,高血压会更厉害。His blood pressure was taken at regular intervals.他的血压每隔一定时间都要量一次。People who drank the least coffee had the lowest level of blood pressure.喝咖啡最少的人血压最低。Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood pressure.体内低胆碱会导致高血压。The patient experienced a sharp drop in blood pressure.病人的血压急剧下降。His blood pressure was dangerously low.他的血压低得危险。Dilatation of blood vessels is always associated with increased blood flow and increased blood pressure.血管扩张总是跟血流量增加和血压升高有关联。My blood pressure has reverted to normal. 我的血压又恢复正常了。The medication caused his blood pressure to spike.他服的药导致他的血压急剧上升。The doctor says he has high blood pressure.医生说他血压高。High blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms.高血压是一种鲜现症状的潜伏性疾病。Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure.冥想有助于使血压降低或恢复正常。These headaches were most suggestive of raised blood pressure.这类头痛多是血压升高的征兆。Cutting back on salt was more effective than exercise in reducing blood pressure in postmenopausal women.对绝经后的妇女来说,降低盐的摄入比运动更能降低血压。He's being treated for high blood pressure.他因高血压正在接受治疗。Lower blood pressure is common in early pregnancy.在怀孕早期血压降低是很常见的。He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure.他被实时监测,定时量血压。People who are grossly overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.严重超重的人更有可能患高血压。Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure.情绪压力可能会导致血压升高。He had high blood pressure but was in otherwise perfect health.他患有高血压,除此之外可以说身体十分健康。Your blood pressure is absolutely fine.你的血压绝对正常。We routinely test patients for high blood pressure and diabetes.我们给病人例行检查,看是否有高血压和糖尿病。Her blood pressure is sky-high.她的血压极高。You should keep a close check on your blood pressure. 你应该密切留意你的血压变化。Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses.可以让实习护士量血压。High blood pressure is a silent killer.高血压是无形的杀手。High blood pressure is known as a silent killer.高血压被称为沉默的杀手。High blood pressure can be a strong predictor of future heart problems.高血压可作为心脏病的一个强有力的预测指标。Postural syncope occurs when the body cannot supply enough blood to the brain in the upright position because of low blood pressure.直立时因血压过低导致大脑供血不足时会出现直立性晕厥。The drug has the beneficial side effect of lowering the patient's blood pressure.这种药有降低病人血压的良性副作用。Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。Your blood pressure is higher than normal.你的血压高于正常值。A nurse came to take my blood pressure.一位护士来量我的血压。The drug is used to lower blood pressure but may have the reverse effect in some patients.这种药是用于降血压的,但对有些病人也许会起反作用。Scientists claim to have discovered a new way of controlling high blood pressure.科学家宣称找到了一种控制高血压的新方法。He's being treated for low blood pressure.他因患有低血压正接受治疗。If you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor about which types of exercise you can attempt.如果你血压高,就要咨询医生,看自己可以尝试哪种类型的运动。His blood pressure was high.他血压高。




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