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词汇 bloodshed
例句 Rumour, myth and hearsay obscure the truth after months of bloodshed.在流血事件发生后的几个月里,谣言、谎话和传闻混淆了事实真相。Church leaders offered prayers and condemned the bloodshed.教会领袖向上帝祈祷并谴责流血事件。War opens the sluices of hatred and bloodshed.战争引发强烈的仇恨,导致惨重的流血。They proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed.他们知道示威游行会导致流血事件,但仍继续进行。Their aims were achieved quickly and with relatively little bloodshed.他们的目标很快实现,而且人员伤亡较小。Soldiers intervened to prevent further bloodshed.军队介入以阻止进一步的流血事件。Years of violence and bloodshed have left much of the country in ruins.连年的暴力和杀戮使这个国家的许多地方变成了废墟。This election result could well lead to further bloodshed.这个选举结果很可能会导致更多的流血冲突。A ceasefire was called in an attempt to prevent further bloodshed.为防止进一步的杀戮,人们要求停火。UN workers were withdrawn from the western areas, where the worst bloodshed has occurred.联合国工作人员撤出了发生最严重流血事件的西部地区。The book has only the merest dollop of bloodshed.这本书只有少许流血描写。Officials played down any hope for a quick end to the bloodshed.官员们让迅速结束这场流血冲突的希望变得渺茫起来。The government must increase the pace of reforms to avoid further bloodshed.政府必须加快改革步伐,避免发生更多的流血事件。The government must increase the pace of reform to avoid further bloodshed.政府必须加快改革的步伐,以避免再次发生流血事件。Additional bloodshed and loss of life will only compound the tragedy.额外的流血和牺牲只会加重这场悲剧。It was a time in the nation's history that was steeped in bloodshed. 那是国家一段充满血腥的历史。The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed.这个团体继续示威游行,他们知道这将导致流血事件的发生。The army was brought in to try to prevent further bloodshed.这支部队被调来,以防止再次发生流血事件。Additional bloodshed will only compound the tragedy.再次杀戮只会加重悲剧。




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