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词汇 扩音器
例句 Have you connected the speakers to the amplifier?你把扬声器与扩音器连接上了吗?Drago hailed them through a megaphone.德拉戈通过扩音器向他们欢呼。Officials used loud hailers to call for calm.官员们用扩音器呼吁大家保持冷静。We heard the news over the loudspeaker.我们听见扩音器里广播了这一消息。He called me over the Tannoy.他用天朗扩音器喊我。Specially treated copper wires conduct the signal from the amplifier to the speakers.经过特别处理的铜线将信号从扩音器传送到扬声器。The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards.对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。He plugged his guitar into the amp.他将吉他连到扩音器上。A voice on the loudspeaker announced that the store was closing in 10 minutes.扩音器里播出通知,商店将在十分钟后关门。I heard a loudhailer calling my name.我听见扩音器里在叫我的名字。He was paged at the airport and told to return home immediately.机场扩音器传出了呼叫他的广播,叫他立刻回家。The officer in charge was bellowing instructions through a loudspeaker.负责的那位官员正在用一个扩音器喊着指令。He plugged his electric guitar into an amplifier.他将电吉他连到扩音器上。I distinctly heard the loudspeaker calling passengers for the Turin-Amsterdam flight.我清楚地听到扩音器里在请都灵至阿姆斯特丹航班的旅客登机。Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy.车站工作人员通过扩音器广播了火车进站的消息。A technician made an adjustment to the amplifier.一位技师对扩音器进行了调整。An announcement crackled over the tannoy.扩音器里吱吱嘎嘎地播出一则通知。They plugged their guitars into amplifiers.他们把吉他与扩音器相接。She hurried to the reception desk and asked the girl to page her husband.她急忙跑到前台请女服务员用扩音器呼叫她的丈夫。An officer stood on one of the tanks and began shouting commands through a loudspeaker.一名军官站在其中一辆坦克上,开始用扩音器高声发号施令。She went back into the cabin after Dr. Ford loud-hailed her.她在福特博士用扩音器呼唤她后回到舱里。The stereo is equipped with detachable speakers.这套立体音响系统安装着几个可拆卸的扩音器I forgot to unplug my guitar from the amp.我忘记把吉他插头从扩音器上拨下来了。I pushed the jack plug into the amp.我把单孔转接头插入扩音器




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