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词汇 扩散
例句 Farms in the area have been closed off in an attempt to contain the disease.为阻止疾病扩散,该地区的农场都被关闭了。The doctors were unable to effect a cure because the disease had spread too far.疾病已广泛扩散,医生们也未能治愈。It created a glowing centre of warmth that quickly diffused through my limbs.它形成了一个温暖的热源,热量迅速扩散至我的四肢。She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.她的乳癌尚未扩散,两位主刀医生均建议她动手术。Satellite imagery indicated that dust from the Sahara is spreading westward.卫星云图显示来自撒哈拉的沙尘正在向西扩散The disruption has now spread and is affecting a large part of central Liberia.混乱局面已经扩散,正在影响利比里亚中部的大片地区。State health officials have succeeded in containing the virus.国家卫生官员成功地防止了这种病毒的扩散The pain spread diffusely through his legs.疼痛扩散,遍及他的双腿。The doctor says they'll have to operate straightaway, before the cancer spreads.医生说要在癌症扩散前马上开刀。The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky.云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。The pain was radiating down my arm.疼痛正从我的手臂往下扩散From here the main thread proliferates into a succession of dramatic sub-plots.从这里开始,这条主线扩散为一个接一个的戏剧性从属情节。High winds continue to hamper efforts to contain the oil slick.大风使得人们仍然无法控制浮油扩散The photographer uses a screen to diffuse the light.摄影师用了一块屏幕来扩散光线。His mark will be felt very quickly in Chicago.他的影响很快就会在芝加哥扩散开来。The trend is broadly distributed and not just a big-city phenomenon.此趋势广泛扩散,并非是一个仅出现在大城市的现象。The drugs act as a brake on the spread of the disease.这些药物有制止这种疾病扩散的效果。Health officials believe the virus is containable and are doing what they can to keep it from spreading.卫生官员认为这种病毒是可控的,现正竭尽全力防止其扩散The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky.云层扩散开来,几乎盖满了整个天空。Medullary thyroid cancers often spread quickly.甲状腺髓质癌通常扩散很快。The disease continued to spread until it involved the entire jaw.这种病持续扩散,一直影响到整个下颌。The political fallout from the scandal is spreading.这件丑闻的政治影响正在扩散You could see the poor dog weakening daily as the disease spread through its body.随着这种疾病在这条可怜的狗身上扩散,你能看到它在一天天衰弱下去。Laws were established to limit the dispersion of pollutants.已经立法限制污染物的扩散The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.可以通过放疗杀死癌细胞来抑制其再生和扩散Viruses are often distributed via email.病毒经常通过电子邮件扩散They want to prevent the infection spreading to other parts of the body.他们想阻止感染向身体的其他部位扩散If the infection spreads quickly, amputation may be necessary.如果感染迅速扩散的话,就可能要做截肢处理。At that time we had to make the assumption that the disease was spreading and take action to stop it.那时候我们不得不假定这种病在扩散,要采取行动加以阻止。The only way to stop the virus spreading is by slaughtering all infected animals.制止这种病毒扩散的唯一办法是把所有受感染的牲口都宰了。A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines.火山灰云层正在菲律宾大范围扩散Scientists reject a total ban for fear it will undermine efforts to stop the spread of malaria.科学家们反对全面禁止,以免削弱为防止疟疾扩散所作的努力。The oesophagus has no serosa, thus reducing the resistance against local spread of invasive cancer cells.食道没有绒毛膜,因此抵御进攻性癌细胞局部扩散的能力较低。The treatment has so far done little to arrest the spread of the cancer.这种疗法到目前为止几乎没能抑制癌细胞的扩散Small waves rippled gently across the pond.细细的波纹轻柔地在池塘里扩散开来。There are data on the rates of diffusion of molecules.有关于分子扩散速度的数据。The water rippled in widening circles around the fountain.喷泉周围的水形成涟漪逐圈扩散出去。The drop of red dye diffused slowly in the water.那滴红色染料在水中慢慢扩散开来。Joe threw a stone and watched the ripples spread out across the pond.乔扔出一块石头,看着涟漪在池塘中扩散开来。The explosion led to the widespread dispersal of a poisonous chemical into the atmosphere.爆炸导致一种有毒化学物质在大气中大面积扩散




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