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词汇 grow on
例句 The book identifies plants that grow on the western ranges.这本书对生长于西部牧场的植物做了辨识。Moss can grow on bare rock.苔藓可以在裸岩上生长。Slowly and strangely, the place began to grow on me.真是不可思议,我渐渐喜欢起这个地方了。I didn't like his accent much at first, but it kind of grows on you.起初我不是很喜欢他的口音,但是慢慢地好像就喜欢了。The chemical was used to kill a mold that grows on peanuts.这种化学品被用来杀灭花生上的霉菌。He acts as if money grows on trees.他花钱大手大脚,好像钱来得很容易似的。I hated his music at first, but it grows on you.我一开始讨厌他的音乐,可慢慢地它会让你越来越喜欢。Nothing grows on the wasteland.荒原上什么也不长。Modern music starts to grow on people.现代音乐已越来越被人喜欢。Good jobs don't grow on trees. 好工作不是唾手可得的。Be careful,a bad habit like that can grow on a person.多加小心,一个人会逐渐染上那种恶习。I didn't like him at first, but he's starting to grow on me.我起初不喜欢他,但现在开始对他有感觉了。She grows on you when you get used to her.等你和她相处熟了,你会喜欢她的。No crops will grow on these stony wastes.在这些多石的不毛之地上长不出庄稼。The new house slowly began to grow on her.她开始慢慢地喜欢上这所新房子了。The cost of lumber has gotten so ridiculous, it's hard to believe it grows on trees.木材贵得出奇,很难使人相信它本是丰富易得的森林资源。Vines grow on the south-facing slopes.葡萄生长在朝南的山坡上。




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