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词汇 grouped
例句 Most European languages can be grouped into two main families.大多数欧洲语言都可以归入两个主要语系。Students grouped around the notice board to read their exam results.学生们围在通告栏前看自己的考试成绩。The books were grouped by size.这些书是根据开本大小分类的。The respondents were grouped into three categories - non-smokers, smokers, and ex-smokers.受访者分为三类一不抽烟的、抽烟的和曾经抽过烟的。The England team was grouped with Uruguay and Holland.英格兰队和乌拉圭队、荷兰队分在同一组。We all grouped together around the bride for a family photograph.我们所有人都簇拥在新娘四周照了张全家福。The pieces on view are not grouped around any one theme, but rather represent superb examples from various periods.展出的作品并非围绕着一个主题,而是不同时期的经典之作。The children were grouped by age.孩子们按年龄进行分组。The poems are grouped thematically.这些诗歌按主题归类。The children grouped together near their teachers.孩子们围聚在老师的周围。The fact sheets are grouped into seven sections.资料页分为七个部分。They grouped round their teacher.他们围聚在老师的周围。The patient and donor have been grouped.已给病人和供血者验了血型。Resistance forces grouped in the jungle.抵抗力量在丛林中集结。Works in the exhibition are grouped thematically.展览作品按主题分类。The vehicles are grouped according to engine size.这些车辆根据引擎的大小分类。English and Dutch can be grouped together as Germanic languages.英语和荷兰语可以同归于日耳曼语系。Eggs were grouped according to size.鸡蛋依大小分类。I grouped the children according to age.我按年龄把孩子们分成小组。The students grouped around the table.学生们围聚在桌旁。Julia sat down at the piano, and the others grouped together to sing.朱莉娅在钢琴旁边坐下,其他人聚在一起唱歌。The names were grouped under four different headings.这些名称归入了四个不同的类目之下。Different flowers can be grouped together to make a colourful display.可以把不同的花放在一起,布置得绚丽多姿。The houses are grouped together in a charming tableau.这些房屋聚在一起构成了一幅美丽的画面。These cases can more properly be grouped with cases of nodular vasculitis.这些病例归入结节性血管炎一类更为准确。We've grouped the questions under three headings.我们把这些问题分别归在三个标题下面。We were grouped into six age bands.我们被分成六个年龄段。They sat grouped around the fire.他们一组人围火而坐。These stories can be loosely grouped into three types.这些故事可大致分为三类。The photo shows four men grouped round a jeep.照片上是四个男人围着一辆吉普车。The children were grouped by age.儿童按年龄分组。They grouped themselves round their teacher.他们围聚在老师的周围。The men were grouped in a close formation.那些人排成了密集队形。The students were grouped according to age and ability.这些学生是按年龄和能力分组的。The students grouped around the professor.学生们聚集在教授周围。She grouped the toys together by type.她将玩具归类整理。Non-fiction books are grouped together under different subjects.非小说类书籍按照不同科目归类。




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