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词汇 Cameron
例句 James was rather aggrieved at Cameron.詹姆斯相当怨恨卡梅伦。Cameron found my style aggressive, although I thought I was just being direct and honest.卡梅伦觉得我的作风咄咄逼人,但我认为我只是直接和坦率。Cameron claims he has been inundated with film offers.卡梅伦称他的片约多得应接不暇。This had been a disastrous week for Prime Minister Cameron.对卡梅伦首相来说,这是灾难性的一周。He reciprocated Mr Cameron's good wishes.他对卡梅伦先生的良好祝愿报以同样的祝福。Cameron wrote a rambling letter to his wife.卡梅伦给他的妻子写了一封漫无边际的长信。Of course, Cameron's plan failed, just as I expected it would.当然,正如我所料,卡梅伦的计划失败了。Mr Cameron was cheered by the party faithful.卡梅伦先生得到忠诚的党员的喝彩。The disaster is vividly recalled in James Cameron's film Titanic.那场灾难在詹姆斯·卡梅伦的电影《泰坦尼克号》中得到了生动的再现。Mr Cameron will purr with delight at the Sunday Telegraph's poll.《星期日电讯报》的民意调查会让卡梅伦先生喜笑颜开。Cameron quickly swallowed his coffee and bread, and wiped the crumbs from his mouth.卡梅伦飞快地咽下咖啡和面包,然后擦掉嘴边的碎屑。Cameron seemed unusually downcast.卡梅伦看上去异乎寻常地沮丧。




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