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词汇 grey hair
例句 She had cropped grey hair.她有一头剪得很短的灰白头发。Her grey hair straggled in wisps about her face.她那灰白的头发一缕缕地披散在脸旁。Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite give them away.虽然他们费尽心思地扮年轻,但是花白的头发和赘肉却将他们的真实年龄暴露无遗。For a moment I thought you had a patch of grey hair, but it's just a trick of the light.一时间我以为你长了一撮白发,看来只是光线造成的错觉而已。I think grey hair on a man can look very distinguished.我觉得灰白的头发能使男人看起来很睿智。She's got grey hair.她的头发花白。I plucked a grey hair from my head.我从我的头上拔下了一根白头发。There is not a grey hair on her head.她头上没有一根白发。His grey hair gave him an air of distinction.灰白色的头发使他有一种与众不同的感觉。She stood on the clifftop, her grey hair flying in the wind.她站在峭壁顶上,灰发在风中飘扬。He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。Her grey hair had been cropped close to her skull.她的灰白头发紧贴头皮,剪得很短。She had very little grey hair, with just a trace near the temples.她几乎没有白发,只是在太阳穴附近有几根。I saw a man with grey hair sitting in the car next to Jean.我看到车里有一个白发男子坐在琼的身边。Her curly bird's nest of grey hair was in a good deal of disorder.她那鸟巢发式的灰白卷发乱成一团。




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