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词汇 grenade
例句 I had discovered that the grenade was a dud.我发现这枚手榴弹是哑弹。He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade.他被手榴弹的弹片击中了。Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back.西蒙接住手榴弹,又把它大力掷了回去。He threw a grenade that penetrated the wall of the building and exploded inside.他扔的那颗手榴弹穿过大楼的墙壁,在楼内发生了爆炸。She was holding the grenade above her head, ready to throw.她握着手榴弹,举过头顶,准备扔出去。Six soldiers were slightly injured when a grenade exploded in a nearby truck.附近一辆卡车上一个手榴弹爆炸,六名士兵受了轻伤。A grenade was tossed over the wall of the compound.一枚手榴弹从院墙上方扔了过来。The tank's navigational system had been disabled during a grenade attack.坦克的导航系统被手榴弹炸坏了。The soldier lobbed a grenade into the bunker.士兵把一颗手榴弹投进了地堡。A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol.一枚手榴弹掷向了陆军巡逻队。A rioter looped a hand grenade into the building.一名暴徒将手榴弹滴溜溜扔进大楼。I tossed the grenade through the open door.我把手榴弹顺着敞开的门扔了出去。A hand grenade is a missile weapon.手榴弹是一种投掷武器。The soldier's leg was wounded by a grenade.士兵的腿被手榴弹炸伤了。If you pull the pin out of a hand-grenade, it'll explode.拉掉手榴弹上的保险针它就会爆炸。




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