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词汇 abused
例句 Erik testified he was sexually abused by his father since the age of 6.埃里克证实,自六岁起他一直受到父亲的性虐待。The arrested men have been physically abused.被捕的人曾遭受肉体上的摧残。He abused his privileges in activities outside his official capacity.他在职务范围之外任意滥用特权。She abused her friend's trust.她辜负了朋友的信任。She was verbally abused.她受到了辱骂。The Mayor and his cohorts have abused their positions of power.市长和他的同党们滥用职权。Working with abused children transformed Scott's life.帮助受虐儿童的工作改变了斯科特的生活。He abused his power while in office.他在职时滥用权力。He abused his body with years of heavy drinking.他长年酗酒,把身体给搞垮了。Those captives were physically abused.那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。The company abused its power, forcing workers to work overtime without pay.公司滥用职权,强迫雇员无偿加班。He abused the Admiral in the grossest terms.他用不堪入耳的话辱骂那位海军上将。Women are often ashamed to admit they are being abused.妇女对受到的侵犯常常羞于承认。The abused child's case was turned over to state authorities.这起虐待儿童的案件被移交给了州警察局。He had abused his first car by not taking care of it.他对自己的第一辆车很不爱惜,把车毁得很厉害。Local politicians abused their privileges to make themselves rich.地方政客滥用特权为自己敛财。Prisoners reported being regularly abused by their guards.囚犯们举报说他们遭到了看守经常性的虐待。He alleged that he was verbally abused by other soldiers.他声称自己受到了其他士兵的言语攻击。There was no outward evidence that the parents abused the child.从表面上看不到父母虐待孩子的迹象。He has abused my confidence in him.他辜负了我对他的信任。Brand was a cruel and intimidating man who abused his children and his wife.布兰德虐待自己的妻儿,是个残忍骇人的家伙。Erica runs a hostel for women who have been abused by their husbands.埃丽卡管理一家为受丈夫虐待的女性提供服务的旅舍。Stories of abused and battered children are shockingly familiar.令人愤怒的是,关于受虐儿童和遭毒打儿童的报道极为常见。The shelter is a refuge for abused women.这个收容站是受虐待妇女的避难处。A high percentage of abusive parents were themselves abused as children.虐待孩子的父母中有很高比例的人在自己小时候遭受过性侵犯。Some magistrates have abused their powers of arrest to extort confessions.一些地方法官滥用其拘捕权用以逼供。The foreman abused the workmen in the foulest language.工头用最肮脏的语言辱骂工人。It is a situation where basic human rights are being flagrantly abused.这种情形是对基本人权的公然践踏。Teachers were threatened with kitchen knives, physically assaulted and verbally abused.老师们被人用菜刀威胁,遭受人身侵犯和言语辱骂。He claimed he had been racially taunted and abused.他声称受到了种族嘲弄和欺凌。Winfrey revealed on the air that she had been sexually abused as a child.温弗里在广播中透露她小时候受到过性侵犯。He abused his wife both mentally and physically.他从精神上和肉体上虐待妻子。The slaves were ruthlessly abused by their owners.奴隶受到主人的残忍虐待。James abused his body for years with heroin and cocaine.詹姆斯多年吸食海洛因和可卡因,戕害了身体。My father abused us for years.多年来父亲一直虐待我们。I was not sexually abused as a child.我小时候未受过性虐待。The children were abused as part of a satanic ritual.这些儿童受到了虐待,被当作撒旦崇拜仪式的一部分。She had decided to avenge herself and all the other women he had abused.她决定为自己和所有其他被他侮辱的女性报仇。Every day the newspapers tell stories of children worldwide who are abused.每天报纸都在讲述世界各地受虐儿童的故事。All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.所有这些儿童的身心都受到了摧残。




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