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He felt a great weight of sorrow inside him.他内心感到极为沉痛。Now that Peter has passed all his exams, it's taken a great weight off my mind.现在彼得已经通过了所有考试,我如释重负。The mayor's opinions carried great weight in this town.在这座城市里,市长的意见很有分量。A great weight lifted from me.我卸下了一个重担。What you said took a great weight off my mind.你说的话使我如释重负。Matters of great weight are handled by the general manager himself.重大问题由总经理亲自处理。She felt a great weight of responsibility.她感到责任的重大压力。The relief was indescribable. It was freedom after years of slavery. A great weight lifted from me.如释重负的感觉是难以言喻的。这是受多年奴役之后的自由。我卸下了一个重担。 |