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These greasy marks just won't come out.这些油渍就是除不掉。It had a greasy feel. 它摸起来油乎乎的。He wiped his greasy hands on the grass.他在草上蹭掉手上的油污。He wiped his greasy hands on the front of his overalls.他在工装裤正面擦了擦沾满油污的手。My stomach turns at greasy food.一看到油腻的食品我就恶心。He wiped his greasy mouth on his sleeve.他用袖子擦了擦油乎乎的嘴。My doctor told me to avoid greasy food.医生告诫我要避免吃油腻食物。During the summer, my skin sometimes gets greasy.夏天我的皮肤有时候会出油。He's an unattractive man with long greasy hair and pasty skin.他没什么吸引力,头发长而油腻,肤色苍白。The grill was covered in a greasy residue from the hamburgers.烤肉架上沾满了汉堡肉饼残留的油脂。I drink a lot of water and I stay away from greasy, heavy foods.我充分饮水并避免油腻难消化的食物。He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.他双肘支在满是油污的柜台上。He had long, greasy hair.他的头发又长又油腻。We ate at some greasy spoon near the bus station.我们在车站附近一家廉价小饭馆吃了饭。She had rather greasy skin with a few spots.她皮肤很油,还长了一些粉刺。Too much greasy food isn't good for you.太油腻的食物对你不利。The fish was OK, but the chips were a tad greasy.那鱼不错,可是炸薯条有些油腻。Sebum is the oily substance that gives you greasy skin.皮脂是让皮肤滑腻的油性物质。Police say the rain's making the roads greasy.警方说雨后路面湿滑。There was a greasy mark on his shirt.他的衬衫上有一块油渍。The greasy food they were serving disgusted him.他们端来的油腻食物让他感到恶心。The combination of rain and greasy surfaces made driving conditions treacherous.下雨再加上路面有油污使驾车行驶充满了隐患。He was doubled up with cramps from the greasy stew.他吃了油腻的炖菜后肚子疼得直不起身。Water spread across the floor in a greasy stream, mingling with the pile of filthy rubbish.一股油腻腻的水流过地板,与一堆肮脏的垃圾混杂在一起。He was hungry and wanted to pull up at every greasy spoon he passed.他饿了,路过每家邋遢的小饭馆他都想停车。Dick wiped his hands on a greasy rag.迪克在一块油腻的破布上抹手。He was a greasy and insincere little man.他是个阿谀逢迎、虚情假意的小个子男人。Someone had smudged the paper with their greasy hands.有人用油腻的手把这张纸弄脏了。I usually have to wash the greasy pots and pans.我得常常洗沾满油污的锅子。The mechanic took off his greasy overalls.机修工脱下他的油污的工作服。The paintwork is covered in greasy fingermarks.油漆表面上到处都是油腻腻的指痕。Her long greasy hair hung down to her shoulders.她那油腻腻的长发披落在肩头。The roads were greasy after the rain.雨后道路变得湿滑。The floor was filthy, greasy, and oily.地板肮脏不堪,满是油污。He eyed the greasy food with disgust.他看着油腻的食物,感到恶心。His hair was lank and greasy and looked like it hadn't been washed for a month.他的头发平直稀疏还油乎乎的,看起来好像有一个月没洗了。The food was heavy and greasy.这食物味重而油腻。The chips were very greasy.这些炸薯条很油腻。It was raining a greasy drizzle.天正下着黏糊糊的蒙蒙细雨。The soup was disgusting, greasy, tepid and watery.这汤很难喝,油腻腻的,不热而且很稀。 |