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词汇 palled
例句 They palled up when they were neighbors long ago.他们很久以前做邻居的时候成了朋友。A mighty storm hath palled the sky.狂风暴雨中天空变得黑压压的。Judy and I palled up on the first day at college.我和朱迪在上大学的第一天就成了朋友。She's already palled up with a girl from her dorm.她已和同宿舍的一个女孩成为好友。When our appetite palled, the sorbet was brought in.我们吃饱的时候,果汁牛奶冻送上来了。His interest in politics has palled over the years.这些年来,他对政治的兴趣减弱了。The clichés in the lecture palled on his mind.讲演中的陈词滥调使他感到厌烦。She palled up with Neil while travelling round Europe.在欧洲旅游的时候她和尼尔成了朋友。The pleasure of not having to work quickly palled.不必工作的快感很快就消失了。Too much spicy food palled his appetite.过多的辛辣食物让他吃腻了。He found that his retirement hobbies palled after a couple of years.他发现,退休之后的爱好几年之后就不再有吸引力了。The horsy atmosphere at Merton palled on them.默顿这个地方爱马成风,这对他们来说没什么吸引力了。The book had no pictures and soon palled on the little girl.这书没有插图,小女孩很快就感到乏味了。




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