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词汇 grease
例句 She learned from experience that when grease catches on fire, you shouldn't put water on it.她从经验中得知,油脂着火时,切忌往上浇水。The sink was clogged by/with dirt and grease.水槽被污物和油脂堵住了。They had to grease the palms of a few inspectors at city hall to get the permits they needed to start building.他们必须买通市政厅的几个巡视官才能得到他们要的建筑开工许可。There were grease spatters all over the wall.墙上满是油迹。His hair is thick with grease.他的头发油乎乎的。The clothes were stiff with dust and grease.衣服给尘土和油脂弄得硬邦邦的。You can use lemon juice to remove the grease.你可以用柠檬汁来去除这些油污。Joseph was able to grease a few palms, thus helping his brother to escape.约瑟夫买通了几个人,帮他兄弟逃了出来。A standard detergent should take most of the grease off the surface.普通洗涤剂应该就能够把表面上大部分的油污去掉。They hoped that the tax cuts would grease the wheels of the economy. 他们希望减税能够推动经济发展。There must have been an inch of grease on the kitchen stove.厨房的炉子上肯定已经积了一英寸厚的油污。It removes deeply embedded dirt and grease so allowing your horse's skin to breathe more easily.它可以清除厚积的尘垢和油脂,让马的皮肤更加自在地呼吸。You can't get a job here without plenty of grease.要想在这儿找到工作得有很多门路。I wiped the grease off my hands.我擦去手上的油污。For grease marks try a proprietary dry cleaner.若要去除油污,可以试试一种专利干洗剂。Do you mind cleaning the grease spots behind the stove?麻烦你清理一下炉子后面的油污好吗?Greasers were originally called that because of the grease that they used on their hair and on their bikes.“油头飞车党”的称呼源于他们在车和头上都抹油。Such work can be avoided if you grease the palms of the officials.如果你买通了官员,这些工作就可以免去了。Gasoline is a solvent liquid that removes grease spots.汽油是一种能去除油污的有溶解力的液体。The garbage could not be carted without paying grease.不付小费垃圾就不给车走。Appalled at the state of the kitchen, she set about scrubbing away the layers of grime and grease.厨房里的情况让她惊愕不已,于是动手把一层层的污垢和油污擦掉。His hair looked shiny with grease.他的头发因涂了油而发亮。The offender attempted to grease the palm of the judge.罪犯企图贿赂法官。It's going to take some elbow grease to get this counter clean.得费不少劲才能把这个台面弄干净。There was a film of grease on all the kitchen surfaces.厨具表面都有一层油污。Take those chickens and fry the breasts in grease.把那几只鸡拿去,胸肉用油脂煎一煎。It can be seen as a way of creating and maintaining relationships, because it can grease the wheels of social intercourse.它能使社会交往变得顺畅,因此可以被视为建立和维系人际关系的一种方式。There's grease on the camera lens.相机镜头上有点油垢。You'll have to put some grease on those ball bearings.你得往滚珠轴承上涂些油。Oil and grease will rot the rubber of your tyres.油污会腐蚀轮胎的橡胶。I don't want any grease getting on my tie.我可不想让油渍弄到我的领带上。The pipe's clogged with grease.管子里积满油污。A cleaning agent dissolves grease stains.清洁剂分解油污。Lightly grease a cake tin.给蛋糕烤模涂上少许的油。The polish needs a certain amount of elbow grease to apply.要把这个擦亮得费不少劲。Patches of grease covered the kitchen walls.厨房墙上油迹斑斑。He could smell the bacon grease.他闻到一股腌肉的油脂味儿。The kitchen surfaces were all smeared with grease.厨房里到处都是油污。The food was swimming in grease.这食物油乎乎的。The kitchen counter was covered with a patina of grease.厨房的操作台上蒙了一层油污。




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