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词汇 a period
例句 Many policies pay out only after a period of weeks or months.很多保单在几周或几个月后才得以赔付。The economy is in a period of robust financial health.经济正处在金融强劲期。She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer.她有一段时间曾帮助垂危的癌症患者。The International Trade Agreement inaugurated a period of high economic growth.《国际贸易协定》开创了一个经济高速发展的时代。The law will phase tax cuts in over a period of two years.这部法律将在两年内逐步引入减税条款。He spent a period away from home.他离家生活了一段时间。South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。The meeting finally came to a period.会议终于结束了。The payments are spread over a period of six years.应付款项要在六年内分期还清。The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change.国家需要一段时间的稳定,其间不要再有重大的变革。The country was, at that date, going through a period of transition.当时该国正经历一个过渡时期。We're going to see a period of calmer weather starting this weekend.这个周末开始将有一段风和日丽的天气。The company has gone through a period of steady organic growth in recent years.最近几年公司稳步自然增长。The prophylactic nap is a nap taken ahead of a period of anticipated sleep deprivation, such as a late night or a long journey.预防性小睡是指在熬夜、长途旅行等影响睡眠的事情之前的小睡。All my children went through a period of late-adolescent angst.我所有的孩子在青春期后期都经历过一段焦虑不安的时光。She should be hospitalized for a period of time.她得住院治疗一个时期。The disease was in a period of latency. 这种疾病处在潜伏期。There is often a period of sexual experimentation during adolescence.人在青春期常会经历一个性体验阶段。Mark the end of the sentence with a period.在句子的末尾用句号。We have to suck in our bellies for a period.我们得收紧裤带,过一段时间的清苦日子了。After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism.在被囚禁一段时间之后,她宣布放弃恐怖主义。Set aside a period of time specifically for study.留出一段时间专门用于学习。These people have been targets for quite a period of time.相当一段时间以来,那些人一直是被抨击的对象。Computer technology is embarking on a period of exponential growth.计算机技术正在以几何级数发展。Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days.老虎在几天里多次交配。In a period of mass unemployment a lot of people must learn to tighten their belts.在大批人失业其间,很多人不得不束紧腰带,省吃俭用。The area is going through a period of instability and social crisis.该地区现在动荡不安,面临着社会危机。Time in a period of waiting, too, had its relativistic possibilities, expanded or contracted, according to how you were feeling at the time.在等候中度过的时间也有它的相对可能性,即或可扩延或可缩短,全由你当时感觉如何而定。Adolescence is a period of great and rapid change.青春期是变化很大也很快的一段时期。Two snowstorms hit the area in a period of one week.一周以来这一地区两次遭受到暴风雪袭击。The economy has entered a period of recession.经济步入了衰退期。We worked almost every week for a period of time.有一段时间,我们几乎每周都工作。Then came a period of unprecedented wealth and prosperity.然后出现了一段空前的富裕和繁荣时期。There may be a period of disequilibrium as family members adjust to the new baby.宝宝的降生可能会使家庭有一段手忙脚乱的适应阶段。The selection process takes place over a period of two weeks.选拔过程费时大约两周。He went through a period of wanting to be accepted.有一段时间他很想被人接受。The contract is for a period of six months, and is not negotiable.合同为期六个月,这是不可更改的。The roads are flooded after a period of exceptionally heavy rain.经过一段时间的滂沱大雨,道路都被淹了。Our lives have straddled a period of greater change than perhaps any since the end of the Roman Empire.我们生活的这个时期所经历的变革可能是罗马帝国灭亡以来最巨大的。It was a period in American history when most people lived and worked on farms.在美国那段历史时期,大多数人都在农场生活和工作。




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