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词汇 governor
例句 The governor needs to address voters' concerns about/over the economy.州长需要设法消除选民们对经济的忧虑。She proclaimed that she will run for governor.她宣布将竞选州长。They went to plead their cause to the governor.他们为他们的事业向州长请命。To start with, the governor made a short speech welcoming the visiting dignitaries.首先,州长作了简短的讲话欢迎来访的达官贵人。The governor is nothing more than an errand boy for the big companies in his state.那位州长只不过是其所在州的那些大公司的听差而已。The governor granted him a pardon.州长准予赦免他。The inspiration of this rumour was traced to a source near the governor.经过追查,这起谣言的根子是在州长左右亲信的身上。Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.预测家对本周六路易斯安那州州长竞选的结果骑墙观望,多手下注。An investigation is being carried out by the prison governor.监狱长在进行一项调查。The governor's tactics involved accusing his opponent of being too liberal.州长的策略包括指责对手过于倾向自由主义。The governor treated our protests as nothing more than a minor nuisance.政府把我们的抗议仅仅当成一件讨厌的小事而已。The Democratic candidate for governor won the debate.竞选州长的民主党候选人赢得了那场辩论。The judge advised the governor that the law violated the First Amendment rights of teachers.法官告知州长该法律违背了宪法第一修正案赋予教师的权利。Protesters were chanting outside the governor's home.抗议者在州长家外面呼喊抗议。The demonstrators called on the governor to make solving the crime a priority.示威群众要求州长将侦破这宗罪案列为头等大事。The Prime Minister, accompanied by the governor, led the President up to the house.首相在州长陪同下带领总统前往那座房子。Members of both parties continue to battle the governor over her policies.两个政党的成员继续就州长的政策与其争论。The incident was reported to the prison governor.这一事件已汇报给监狱长。The governor was impeached for wrongful use of state money.州长因滥用本州公款而遭到弹劾。People inferred that so able a governor would make a good president.人们推定,如此能干的州长会成为一名好总统的。The bill passed and went to the governor for signature a week ago.一周前议案得以通过并呈送州长签署。The governor has taken a pro-life position. = The governor is pro-life.州长反对堕胎。Only the governor is now in a position to stop the execution.现在只有州长才有权制止死刑的执行。They must choose between two evenly matched candidates for governor.他们必须在两位不相上下的州长候选人之间作出选择。The governor's proposals would actually cost millions of jobs and suffocate the economy.总督的计划可能会造成上百万人失业,并束缚经济发展。The governor was looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.州长要找替罪羊为贪污丑闻承担责任。John Brown wanted to be governor, but in the election he missed by a mile.约翰·布朗想要当州长,但在选举中遭到惨败。Their liberal views act as a counterweight to/against the governor's conservatism.他们的开明思想对州长的保守思想起到制衡作用。The governor has vowed to push ahead with the airport.州长发誓要推进机场的建设。The governor has been criticized for his maladroit handling of the budget crisis.州长因没能妥善处理预算危机而遭到批评。The governor paid for the event out of his own pocket. 州长为此次活动自掏腰包。The governor will run for a second term.州长将为第二个任期参加竞选。Despite criticism from the press, the governor is sticking to her guns on this issue.尽管受到媒体批评,州长在这个问题上仍然坚持她自己的立场。The prisoners sat down together to draft a letter to the governor.犯人们一起坐下来起草写给州长的信。The governor went on record as being opposed to higher taxes.州长公开表明反对提高税收。The governor finally met his Waterloo in the last election.这位州长在最后一轮选举中终遭失败。Wait here while I get the governor.在此等候,我去请老板过来。The Democrat upset the governor in the election.这位民主党人在选举中意外地击败了州长。We were invited to a black-tie affair at the governor's mansion.我们应邀参加了在总督府举办的正式晚宴。They discovered a secret plot/plan to assassinate the governor.他们发现了一个刺杀州长的阴谋。




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