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词汇 go up
例句 Davalillo goes up to pinch-hit.达瓦里洛上场替补击球。Under the new lease, the rent would go up.新租约规定,租金要提高。The road curves to the left as you go up the hill.随着往山上行走,小路弯弯曲曲转向左侧。I usually go up to London on the sleeper.我通常坐卧铺去伦敦。C'mon, don't be such a chickenshit - just go up and ask her to dance.快呀,别这样胆小——过去请她跳舞啊。Total public spending tended to go up instead of down.总的公共开支趋向增加,而不是减少。Let's go up to the office and settle the business end of things.咱们上楼到办公室去把公事搞定。He will go up to Cambridge next term.下学期他将进剑桥大学。Inflation goes up and down depending on the state of the economy.通货膨胀随着经济状况的变化而起伏不定。It's a toss-up whether oil prices will go up or down over the days ahead.油价在今后的日子里会上涨还是下跌都有可能。He saw his life savings go up in smoke when the stock market crashed.股市崩盘后,他眼看毕生积蓄化为乌有。He'll go up the wall when he finds out.如果他发现的话,会大发雷霆的。Electricity prices are set to go up again.电费很有可能再一次上涨。He believes food prices will go up in the future.他认为食品价格将来会上涨。When they started to go up in the world, they moved to a flat in London.他们开始发家的时候,搬进了伦敦的一所公寓。They'll be able to go up to London midweek.他们将可以在周中去伦敦。The curtain goes up at eight o'clock.八点开演。If the oil tanker goes up, it could burn for weeks.如果油轮起火,就会烧几个星期。He'll go up in smoke when he hears about this.他听到这件事会发火的。House prices have to go up sooner or later.房价迟早必定会上涨。If interest rates go up, won't foreclosures rise?如果利率上调,抵押品赎回权取消的情况也会增多吗?The price may go up quite substantially.价格可能会大幅上涨。Our history textbooks only go up to the World War Ⅱ.我们的历史教科书仅写到第二次世界大战。When the body reacts unfavourably to food, the pulse rate will go up.人体对食物作出排斥反应时,脉搏会加快。If the prices continue to go up, people will begin to kick.如果物价继续上涨,人们就会开始抱怨了。If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames.如果那两根电线接触,电器就会短路,还有可能会起火。Premiums on many cars will go up this year.今年许多汽车的保险费会上调。An average electric bill might go up $2 or $3 per month.每月电费可能会平均增加两三美元。Prices are expected to go up soon.价格预计很快就会上涨。It would take just one match for this whole place to go up in smoke.只要一根火柴就能把这整个地方烧得精光。If interest rates go up, more small businesses will fail.如果利率提高,更多小企业就会破产。Max goes up to Scotland to fish every summer.马克斯每个夏天都北上苏格兰去钓鱼。If you were smart, you'd buy now before prices go up.如果你聪明的话,你就会趁眼下在价格上涨之前购买。You should put the car in second gear when you go up the hill.汽车爬坡的时候,你应该挂二挡。Just go up to him and say hello.走过去跟他打声招呼吧。Anyone taking out a mortgage should be aware that interest rates can go up at any time.任何借得按揭贷款的人都应当注意利率随时会上升。Can you go up the stairs two steps at a time?你上楼时一次能跨两级台阶吗?Mervyn had never invited her to go up in his little plane.默文从没邀请过她乘坐自己的小飞机。They heard a loud explosion and saw a ball of fire go up.他们听见一声爆炸的巨响,看见一个火球腾空而起。If you go up the street two blocks, you'll see the hospital on your left.沿着这条街再走过两个街区,你就会看见左边的医院。




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