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词汇 go on the
例句 He'll bottle out when he goes on the stage.他一上台就怯场。A lot of the food goes on the floor but that doesn't matter.很多食物都撒在地板上,不过没有关系。Sometimes in Phys. Ed. we're allowed to go on the trampolines.我们上体育课有时候可以使用蹦床。You need a strong stomach to go on the giant roller coaster.要坐这个大型过山车,你得有个强健的胃才行。After she lost her job, she had to go on the streets.她失去工作后,不得不去当妓女。I never go on the bus into the town.我从不坐公共汽车去城里。Let's go on the dodgems.我们去玩碰碰车吧。Privately, many MPs are critical of the policy, but none is willing to go on the record.许多议员私下里都批评这项政策,但没有人愿意公开说出来。The shoes go on the shoe shelf.鞋子放在鞋架上。My father finally agreed to let me go on the trip.我父亲最终同意让我去旅行。Only the/a chosen few will get to go on the trip. 只有被选中的几个人才能去旅行。The book goes on the top shelf.这本书放在书架最上面一格里。Let Johnny have a go on the computer now.现在让约翰尼来玩玩计算机吧。We drew names from a hat to decide who would go on the trip.我们从帽子里抓阄,抓到谁的名字谁就去旅行。Students must have the consent of their parents to go on the trip. = Students must have parental consent to go on the trip.学生外出旅行须经父母同意。Jane's parents didn't want her to go on the stage.简的父母不希望她当演员。Let's go on the water this warm afternoon.今天下午和暖宜人,咱们划船去吧。Students used to be allowed to go on the dole in the summer holidays, but the government has stopped that.学生以前可以在暑假里领取失业救济金,但现在政府已停止这样发放救济金了。They go on the beat in two's.他们两个人一组巡逻。Half her salary goes on the rent.她的工资一半花在房租上。The lid has to go on the right way round or it won't fit.盖子得放正,不然的话就盖不严。Any student who wishes to go on the trip should sign this list.凡想去旅行的同学请在这名单上写上自己的名字。I'll go on the trip if I can square it with my parents. 如果父母同意,我将起程旅行。If we budget carefully, we will be able to go on the trip.如果我们精打细算,我们就能去旅行。If I am to go on the trip, I must rustle up some money.如去旅行,我得凑起些钱。These books go on the top shelf.这些书放在书架顶格。I'd like to go on the board of directors.我很想成为董事会的一员。But you have to go on the facts.但是,你得依照事实。Do you want to have a go on the swing?你想荡秋千吗?Let's go on the water this afternoon.今天下午我们去划船吧。The longer the economic decline is allowed to go on the more difficult it will be to reverse it.经济衰退持续的时间越长,恢复就越困难。




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