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词汇 going out
例句 I'm going out tonight, so you'll have to cook your own dinner.我今天晚上要外出,所以你得自己做饭了。It was three months before my parents found out I'd been going out with Peter.父母三个月之后才发现我在和彼得约会。The ball was going out so he was right not to play it.球要出界了,所以他没去踢是对的。Marriage seems to be going out of fashion.婚姻似乎快要过时了。He's going out with that girl who works in the library.他与在图书馆上班的那个姑娘在谈恋爱。She'll catch pneumonia going out without a coat in this weather!她这种天气不穿大衣出去会得肺炎的!Many small farms are going out of business.许多小农场纷纷倒闭。The telephone rang even as he was going out.他刚要外出,电话铃响了。We tried to discourage him from going out in the storm, but he went regardless.我们试图阻拦他不要在暴风雨中外出,但他还是不顾一切地出去了。You must change into a clean dress before going out.你外出前必须换上一套干净的衣服。Long skirts are gradually going out.长裙子正在逐渐过时。Once you have kids, you can say goodbye to going out every weekend.一旦有了孩子,就别想每个周末外出了。The heavy rain can't keep me from going out.大雨阻挡不了我外出。I kept the children from going out.我不让孩子们出去。They told him to stay home with his wife instead of going out and carousing with friends.他们叫他在家陪老婆,不要出去和朋友们饮酒作乐。The mother cowled the baby before going out.母亲给孩子穿上了蒙头斗篷才出去。You can easily fake up an excuse to avoid going out with him.为避免同他一起外出,你可以很容易地编造一个借口。I'm going out tonight.我今晚要出去玩。I'm going out, so you'll have the place to yourself.我要出去了,你一个人享用这地方吧。As a student she lived very economically, rarely going out and buying very few clothes.作为一名学生,她生活非常节俭,很少外出娱乐,也很少买衣服。Are you going out to search for it at this time of night? It seems hardly sensible.你打算夜里这个时候出去找吗?这好像不那么明智。The rain discouraged us from going out.雨打消了我们外出的念头。Mother is sick and not up to going out to the store.母亲病了,体力不支,不能出门到店里去买东西。She's going out with some spotty youth.她目前在跟一个满脸粉刺的小伙子约会。David whizzed through his homework before going out.戴维出去之前匆忙做完了功课。You're not going out, and that's final!你不能出去,就这么定了!She fell into the habit of going out for ice cream every night.她无意间养成了每晚出去吃冰激凌的习惯。Mary preferred going out with soldiers.玛丽喜欢跟当兵的出去玩。I'm just going out for a breath of (fresh) air - I won't be long.我去外面透透气 ——很快就回来。We're going out for lunch. Would you like to join us?我们要出去吃午饭,你想一起去吗?Are you still going out with that guy you met at Heather's party?你仍然跟在希瑟的聚会上认识的那个家伙交往吗?I'm going out now, but I won't be long. 我现在要出去,但不会太久。Statements with errors could still be going out, but customers who notify us will not be left out of pocket.存在错误的结算单仍有可能发送出去,但告知我们的客户将不会遭受损失。He wanted to stay home, but I coaxed him into going out.他想待在家里,可我把他哄出了门。He zipped up his coat before going out.他出门前扣上了上衣的拉链。We're going out to dinner this evening.我们今晚要出去吃饭。She was on the point of going out when the telephone rang.她正要出去,电话铃响了。What shall we do food-wise - do you fancy going out to eat?我们吃什么——你想出去吃吗?Before going out to eat, she researched area restaurants.出去吃饭前,她对附近各家餐馆大致了解了一下。There is no point going out there with a defeatist attitude.怀着一种失败主义的态度上阵根本没有任何意义。




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