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词汇 go far
例句 Your suggestion will go far towards solving the problem.你的建议将大大有助于解决这个问题。You do not have to go far to find a living parallel for these prehistoric organisms.你不必走远就可以找到与这些史前有机体相类似的生物。A few sandwiches won't go far between all of us.几个三明治不够我们所有人分的。The girs is very clever and competent and will go far in her new job.这女孩子很聪明能干,将来在新的工作岗位上会大有作为的。Follow these few simple rules, and you won't go far wrong.遵守这几个简单的规则,你就不会出什么大错。These potatoes won't go far when there are ten people to feed.这些土豆不够十个人吃。He will go far in the diplomatic service.他在外交部门会大有前途。An aggressive young man can go far in our firm.有进取心的青年人在本公司能大展鸿图。Nadia is a highly-educated, very motivated individual who will go far.娜迪娅是个受过高等教育、进取心很强的人,会取得很大成就。One bottle of water won't go far between us all.一瓶水我们大家分着喝没有多少。The liberals in Congress felt the reforms did not go far enough.国会中的自由派人士觉得改革还不够深入。Someone as intelligent as you should go far.像你这样聪明的人一定很有作为。I was very impressed with the talent of Michael Ball. He will go far.我对迈克尔·鲍尔的才华印象非常深刻,他将来会前途无量。The problem goes far beyond inadequate staffing.问题远非人手不足那么简单。Such changes as they made were minor and did not go far enough.他们所做的这些改变都无关痛痒,不够深入。You can go outside and play, but don't go far.你可以出去玩耍,但不要走远。A pound doesn't go far nowadays.如今一镑钱不经用。She's a very talented writer - I'm sure she'll go far.她是一位天赋很高的作家——我肯定她将来会大有成就。If you remember these three golden rules you won't go far wrong.记住这三条金律,就不会错到哪儿。The new law is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, but it doesn't go far enough.新法律无疑是向正确方向迈出了一步,可惜步子还不够大。The plan is good; the problem is it doesn't go far enough.计划不错;问题在于不够深入。The government has introduced measures that go far beyond anything that was in their manifesto.政府采取的措施在他们的宣言中根本未曾涉及。The new legislation does not go far enough towards solving the problem.新的法规对解决该问题并无多大帮助。These reforms don't go far enough.这些改革还不够深入。The boy is clever and will go far in his job.这男孩很聪明,工作会成功的。These measures should go far towards solving the problem.这些方法对解决问题大有帮助。He was the best student in his year, and everyone was sure he would go far.他是他那个年级最好的学生,大家都确信他将大有作为。The wine didn't go far.葡萄酒不够了。These measures will go far towards solving the problem.这些措施将大大有助于解决问题。She welcomed this move but said that overall the changes didn't go far enough.她欣然接受了这一举措,但是说总体上改变还不彻底。A man with your courage will go far.有你这样勇气的人将来会大有出息。The coffee won't go far if everyone wants a cup.如果每个人都要一杯,那咖啡就不够了。Even a Porsche will not go far on an empty tank.即使是一辆保时捷汽车,如果油箱空了,也开不了多远。You can't go far wrong with ice cream.在选冰激凌方面你不大可能出错。With all her skill and ambition, I'm sure Leah will go far.以她的能力和抱负,我相信利娅一定会成功。




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