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词汇 go ahead
例句 If he wants to make a fool of himself, let him go ahead.如果他想让自己出丑,那就让他自便好了。Despite the bad weather, they decided to go ahead with the party.尽管天气不好,他们还是决定照常举办晚会。The district board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.地区理事会将于今天投票决定是否开始实施这一计划。The runway is clear — go ahead and land.跑道畅通无阻,开始着陆吧。You'll have to get clearance from management to go ahead with the project.你必须得到管理部门的批准才能启动这个项目。You two go ahead - Sam and I'll bring up the rear.你们俩走前面——我和萨姆殿后。The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go ahead.警察检查了汽车,接着放它们继续前行。They scored three runs to go ahead by two.他们跑垒得了三分,领先两分。The family can now go ahead with preparations for the funeral.家人现在可以为葬礼做准备工作了。I don't want to be thought insensitive, but I do think we should go ahead despite the accident.我不想让别人以为我麻木不仁,但我确实觉得虽然出了事故我们仍然应该继续下去。A judge has ruled that the music festival can go ahead.法官裁定,音乐节可以举行。As a result of the president's veto the inner-cities program will not now go ahead.由于总统的否决,旧城区改造计划现在不实行了。If this deal goes ahead, we'll be quids in.如果这笔买卖做成了的话,我们会发大财。The police capitulated and allowed the march to go ahead.警察只好让步,允许游行继续下去。You go ahead, don't stand on her, otherwise you'll be late, too.别等她了,你先走吧,要不然你也得迟到。Tests of anti-cancer drugs are to go ahead this year.抗癌药试验将在今年进行。The scheme has been given approval to go ahead.计划已获准实施。To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble.在得到如此明确的建议后还继续比赛,真是自找苦吃。You guys go ahead and go to bed. I think I'll stay up for a while.你们睡觉去,我想我要晚点才睡。The elections will go ahead, provided that adequate safeguards are in place.只要安全保障充分,选举即可继续。If I go ahead with the plan, can I count on your backing?如果我着手实施这个计划,你会资助我吗?He stood back to let Sue go ahead of him.他往后靠让休先走。We all want to go ahead with the project, but there's the question of finance.我们都想继续这个项目,但有个经费的问题。I'm not sure about the legalities, but I suggest we go ahead with the plan and see what happens.我不太了解法律要求,但我建议我们先按计划行事,然后再看看会有什么后果。In the event that any part of the deal may be blocked, the rest would go ahead.万一交易当中有任何一部分受阻,其他部分将继续进行。You go ahead and we'll wait here for Sally.你先去,我们在这里等萨莉。If you're feeling hot, go ahead and open the window.如果你感到热就去开窗吧。Notwithstanding some members' objections, I think we must go ahead with the plan.尽管遭到一些成员的反对,我还是认为我们应该实施该计划。The sale will only go ahead if the serial numbers match.只有序列号相同,才能进行销售。Do you want to go ahead with the advance party, or would you rather be in the second group of climbers?你想和先遣队一起走,还是同第二批登山队员一起走?After the bomb threat, it was considered too much of a security risk to let the races go ahead.发生炸弹恐吓后,都认为比赛继续进行下去安全风险太大。The committee, after much discussion, had decided to go ahead with the proposal to ban cigarette advertising.该委员会经过多次讨论以后,已经决定执行禁止香烟广告的提议。Organizers say the concert in Central Park will go ahead come rain or shine.组织者称中央公园的音乐会将风雨无阻地如期举行。That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.在普拉茨堡的那个周末,他说服她嫁给巴德。The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer.这项活动将按计划于明年夏天在谢菲尔德举行。These problems aside, we think the plan should go ahead.这些问题暂且不说,我们认为应该实施这个计划。We'll go ahead with your plan.我们将着手执行你的计划。We need a yes to go ahead with the project.我们需得到批准才可以启动项目。The general consensus is that we should go ahead.大家的普遍共识是我们应该继续向前。It is assumed, for the present, that the meeting will go ahead.暂时还是认为会议要继续下去的。




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