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词汇 cradle
例句 They knew each other from the cradle.他们自幼便相识。Greece was the cradle of western civilization.希腊是西方文明的发源地。He learned to play chess when he was barely out of the cradle. 他很小就学会下国际象棋了。He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.他轻轻地前后晃动摇篮。The book describes her life from cradle to grave.这本书叙述了她的一生。From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.在美国人的一生中,每一个重要阶段都有汽车的影子。As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.作为牧师的儿子,他从尚在襁褓时起就接受了一套神秘主义信仰。She placed the phone back on its cradle.她把电话放回听筒架。We knew each other from the cradle.我们自幼便相识了。My infant for once lay quiet in his cradle.我的婴儿这一次总算安静地躺在摇篮里。The searchlights wove a cat's cradle of light.探照灯织成了一片纵横交错的光柱。She replaced the receiver on the cradle.她把听筒放回听筒架上。Fossil records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution.化石记载表明非洲是早期人类进化的摇篮。Ancient Athens is generally thought of as the cradle of democracy.古代雅典通常被认为是民主的摇篮。He forgot to cradle the telephone receiver when he finished.他打完电话忘记把听筒搁在支架上。The bond of brotherhood was one to last from the cradle to the grave.兄弟之情会延续一辈子。He fixed the towing cradle round the hull.他把牵引托架固定在船体上。I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.我把听筒放回听筒架上。He replaced the telephone receiver in the cradle.他把电话听筒搁回叉簧上。Athens is often regarded as the cradle of democracy.雅典常常被认为是民主的发源地。Mali is the cradle of some of Africa's richest civilizations.马里是非洲一些最悠久的文明的发祥地。She lived in the same village from the cradle to the grave.她一辈子都住在同一个村庄里。He led a life of hardship from the cradle to the grave.他一辈子都过着艰难的生活。He lifted the baby out of its cradle.他把婴儿从摇篮里抱出来。He returned the receiver to its cradle and leaned back with a satisfied purr.他挂上电话,向后一仰,吐出满意的嗬嗬声。Ancient Athens is said to be the cradle of democracy.据说古代雅典是民主的摇篮。Glenda sat beside the cradle, gently rocking it from side to side.格伦达坐在摇篮边,轻轻地摇着它。She's a cradle snatcher.她喜欢老牛吃嫩草。The Abbey's gold processional cross stands in a cradle.威斯敏斯特大教堂游行时举的金制十字架立在支架里。Baghdad, the cradle of civilization巴格达,文明的摇篮The baby lay peacefully asleep in its cradle.婴儿躺在摇篮里安静地睡着了。In this country the government looks after you from the cradle to the grave.在这个国家中每个人从生到死都得到政府的关心。




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