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Gloria knocked on the door and shouted "Wakey-wakey!"格洛丽亚敲着门喊道“醒醒,醒醒!”The school choir performed Vivaldi's Gloria.学校合唱团演唱了维瓦尔弟的《荣耀经》。I got into the habit of calling in on Gloria on my way home from work.我习惯于在下班回家的路上顺便探望格洛丽亚。Gloria and Mae set off one way while Ruth and Sarah went in the other direction.格洛丽亚和梅向一方走去,露丝和萨拉则走向另一方。Thank you, Gloria. That meal was quite delicious!谢谢你,格洛丽亚。那一餐好吃极了!Gloria lay on her bed and idly thumbed through the pages of a travel brochure.格洛丽亚躺在床上无所事事地翻阅一本旅行手册。Gloria eyed them jealously.格洛丽亚羡慕地望着他们。I can't wait to tell Gloria the good news.我迫不及待地要告诉格洛丽亚这个好消息。The city's most famous songstress, Gloria Estefan, grew up here after her parents fled Cuba.该城最著名的女歌唱家格洛丽亚•埃斯特凡自从其父母逃离古巴之后在这儿长大。Gloria was tapping her feet in time to the music.格洛丽亚和着音乐的节拍轻踩着脚。She did not propose to gratify Gloria's curiosity any further.她不想再去满足格洛丽亚的好奇心了。Gloria Reuben quit acting to join Tina Turner on stage as a backing singer and dancer.格洛丽亚·鲁本弃影登台,为蒂娜·特纳伴唱伴舞。To the best of my knowledge, Gloria did not make these comments.据我所知,格洛丽亚没这么说过。Gloria plays the violin in the London Philharmonic.格洛丽亚在伦敦爱乐乐团拉小提琴。Gloria played second violin in the school orchestra.格洛丽亚在校乐队是第二提琴手。Gloria is probably the most down to earth person I've ever met.格洛丽亚也许是我见过的最脚踏实地的人了。Gloria slid an appraising eye over the rest of the rack before reaching for the dress.格洛丽亚以审视的眼光向货架上其余的衣服扫了一遍,才伸手去拿那件连衣裙。Gloria will know what's what.格洛里亚知道真相。I shrugged and Gloria pursed her mouth in a self-satisfied smirk.我耸了耸肩,格洛丽亚沾沾自喜地笑着噘起了嘴。Gloria runs a hairdressing salon.格洛丽亚经营着一家发艺沙龙。Gloria couldn't hide her amusement at what the children were saying.格洛丽亚听着孩子们的话,忍俊不禁。Aunt Gloria can't stand the sight of cats.格洛丽亚阿姨见不得猫。 |