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词汇 glimpse
例句 As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.大学校园变得日益多种族化,通过校园可以对未来社会将要面对的诸多冲突有一个初步的认识。We catch a rare glimpse of the author himself.我们很难得地看见了作者本人。The guide took us out for a glimpse of lions-in-the-raw.导游带领我们出去一睹那些处在野生自然状态的狮子。I caught a tantalizing glimpse of the sparkling blue sea through the trees.透过树丛,我瞥见了令我心驰神往的波光粼粼的蔚蓝色大海。It was my first glimpse of him close up.这是我第一次近距离瞥见他。Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.几千名支持者翘首企盼能一睹新总统的风采。Below us you could glimpse the rooftops of a few small villages.我们可以瞥见脚下一些小村庄的屋顶。I had a glimpse of her feeling.我隐约感受到她的感情。The experience was, you might say, a glimpse into the future.这次经历也可以说是对未来的一次短暂的体验。He took a quick glimpse at the map.他迅速看了一眼地图。The book allows us to glimpse the future of the computer industry.这本书使我们对计算机行业的未来有了粗浅了解。A glimpse of his bare torso set my pulse racing.我瞥了一眼他赤裸的躯干,顿时感到血脉贲张。The experience was, if you like , a glimpse of the future.这个经历可以说是对未来的一瞥。She's undone one more button than propriety would deem decent, revealing a glimpse of cleavage.她少扣了一个扣子,若隐若现地露出乳沟,这在礼节上被认为不雅。This was her first glimpse of the sea.这是她第一次看见大海。The book offers a fascinating glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous.这本书使我们得以一窥富豪名流的生活,十分有趣。He'll sit you in front of his computer and give you a glimpse of the problem.他会让你坐到电脑前,大致了解一下这个问题。The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.女孩们只匆匆瞥了一眼司机。We only had a fleeting glimpse of the sun all day.一整天我们只看到太阳露了一下脸。This scene may give a rare glimpse of Charles's personal style as king.这一幕非常难得地让人得以一窥查理作为国王的个人风范。We got just a brief glimpse of the car as it rushed by.汽车疾驰而过,我们只匆匆瞥到一眼。I got only a fleeting glimpse of him.我只是瞬间看到他一眼。That smile afforded her a brief glimpse of the other side of Adam.那个微笑让她窥见了亚当的另一面。The elegant buildings on the sea front give us a glimpse of Brighton's more glorious past.滨海区精美的建筑让我们看到了布赖顿辉煌的过去。He sometimes went there to catch a glimpse of the mountain in the distance.他有时去那儿看一看远山。The museum gives visitors a glimpse of the composer's life.博物馆让游客可以大致了解一下这位作曲家的生平。He caught a glimpse of me when I passed by.当我走过时,他瞥了我一眼。The people on the tour were treated to a rare glimpse of the bird. 此行的游客有幸难得一睹这种鸟。Inadvertent disclosures by judges sometimes offer an extraordinary glimpse of the legal system's underbelly.法官无意中透露的一些情况有时能见微知著地揭示出司法制度的薄弱之处。We caught/got/had a glimpse of him through the window as his car sped past.他的车飞驰而过时,我们透过窗户瞥见了他。Hundreds of fans clamoured / clamored to catch a glimpse of the star.成百上千的粉丝吵着要求一睹明星的风采。While you're in Hollywood, you might catch a glimpse of some movie stars.在好莱坞有可能一睹某些电影明星的风采。The criminal showed a clean pair of heels as soon as he caught a glimpse of the police.罪犯一看见警察拔腿就逃。His eyes strained to catch a glimpse of the President.他极目望去,想看一眼总统。It feels as though I have been given a passing glimpse into how human minds solve these problems.我感觉自己好像一瞬间瞥见了人类大脑是如何解决这些问题的。She drew aside the window-curtain and had a glimpse of the river.她拉开窗帘,瞥见了那条河。Take a glimpse into the future of space travel.粗略展望一下太空旅行的前景。The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.女孩们只是匆匆瞥见了司机。I caught a fleeting glimpse of the comet.我看见了一闪而过的彗星。I only caught a glimpse of the car.我对那辆汽车只看了一眼。




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