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词汇 subversive
例句 This courageous and subversive movie has attracted widespread critical support.这部大胆而具颠覆性的电影受到了评论界的广泛支持。It's a challenging novel with a subversive message.这是一本传达颠覆性信息的煽动性小说。The loyalty oath was intended to protect students from so-called subversive teachers.效忠宣誓的目的是保护学生免受所谓的颠覆教师的影响。I enjoy her subversive sense of humor.我喜欢她带有批判性的幽默感。The plan is nothing less than subversive.这项计划完全是颠覆性的。They were expelled from the country for subversive activities.他们因为进行颠覆性活动被驱逐出这个国家。The government tries to block foreign sites deemed subversive.政府试图阻止他们认为有破坏作用的国外网站。Pablo Picasso was for a long time regarded as a dangerous subversive.帕勃罗·毕加索长期被认为是个危险的颠覆分子。The government blamed a subversive organization for the riots.政府把暴动归咎于一个颠覆性组织。




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