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词汇 get tough
例句 The candidates both vow to get tough on crime. 两个候选人都发誓要严厉打击犯罪。He has her support to fall back on when the going gets tough.他在进展困难的时候可以求助于她。I run the farm on my own but a local boy helps me out when the going gets tough.我自己一个人经营农场,但出现困难的时候,当地的一个小伙子会帮我解决。I don't want to get tough with you, but you have to learn to obey your mother.我不想对你严厉,但你必须学会听你母亲的话。She wants an escape route if things get tough.如果情况不妙,她想有条退路。When the going gets tough, be prepared to sell your stocks.情形不妙的话,你得作好抛售股票的准备。Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough.业余爱好者遇到困难时往往半途而废。When things started to get tough, they bailed out.情况开始恶化时,他们逃脱出来。Football clubs have been told that they must get tough with violent fans.足球俱乐部被告知对闹事的球迷必须采取强硬手段。He often withdraws when the going gets tough.他往往一遇到困难就退缩。Cut the sob stories and let's get tough on crime.别再讲煽情故事了,让我们行动起来对付犯罪。Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and it'll be OK.到了学期中间功课会变得很难,但坚持下去就会好的。The government has promised to get tough on crime.政府承诺对犯罪行为采取严厉措施。At last the government is starting to get tough with dealers who sell dangerous second-hard cars.政府终于开始对出售危险二手车的车商采取强硬手段了。When the going gets tough, he just gives up.当遇到困难时,他干脆放弃了。The competition has been easy to this point, but now it gets tough and we'll really begin to separate the men from the boys.这场比赛在此之前一直都很轻松,但现在变得激烈了,我们将真正开始一决高下。




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